Auto Provision IP Phones Remotely (Provision Link - FQDN Method)

For IP phones that are located in remote network but don't support RPS Auto Provisioning method, Yeastar P-Series Software Edition supports to provision the IP phones using Provision Link - FQDN method through the Yeastar-supplied Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

Supported IP phones

This topic can be applied to the 'Provision Link' supported IP phones that are deployed in a remote network.


  • Gather information of IP phone, including Vendor, Model, and MAC address.

Step 1. Generate configuration file for an IP phone on the PBX

  1. RESET the phone if it is previously used.
  2. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Auto Provisioning > Phones.
  3. Click Add, then select Add to add an IP phone.
  4. In the IP Phone section, configure phone information as follows:
    • Vendor: Select a phone vendor.
    • Model: Select a phone model.
    • MAC Address: Enter MAC address of the phone.
  5. In the Options section, configure the following settings:
    • Template: Select a desired template from the drop-down list.
      Note: The template provides configurations except extension assignment. You can select the default template corresponding to the phone model, or customize your own template.

      For more information, see Create a Custom Auto Provisioning Template.

  6. In the Assign Extension section, assign an extension to the phone.
    Tip: If your desired extension is not listed in the drop-down list, you can check if the extension has been associated with other IP phone or gateway.
  7. Click Save.

    A configuration file for the phone is generated in the PBX.

Step 2. Make the configuration file accessible to the IP phone

Set up the provisioning link to where your IP phones can fetch the configuration files in one of the following ways:
Configure a DHCP server and set up option 66
Configure a DHCP server and set up DHCP option 66 to the provisioning link. The IP phone will download configurations from PBX via the provisioning link, and apply the settings automatically.
You can use the PBX as a DHCP server, or use a third-party DHCP server that supports DHCP option 66.
  • If you use PBX as a DHCP server, the DHCP option 66 is set to the provisioning link automatically.
  • If you use a third-party DHCP server, you need to set DHCP option 66.

    Here takes Tftpd32 DHCP server as an example.

    1. Run the Tftpd32 software, click Settings at the bottom of the window.

    2. In the pop-up window, click GLOBAL tab, select the checkbox of DHCP Server.

    3. Click DHCP tab, configure the DHCP server parameters.

      • IP pool start address: The starting IP addresses to be allocated.
      • Size of pool: Total number of available IP addresses.
      • Lease time: IP address lease time.
      • Def. Router (Opt 3): The gateway IP address.
      • Mask (Opt 1): Subnet mask that corresponds to the available IP address segment.
      • DNS Server (Opt 6): DNS server address for the DHCP server.
      • Additional Option: Enter option to 66 and paste the PBX provisioning link beside the option.
    4. Click OK.

      The IP phone downloads the configuration file from the PBX, and applies the configurations automatically.

Configure provisioning server address on the phone

Here takes the Yealink IP phone as an example.

  1. On the IP phone, go to Menu > Status, check the IP address of the IP phone on the IPv4 field.
  2. Log in to the IP phone web page by the IP address, go to Settings > Auto Provision.
  3. In the Server URL field, paste the PBX provisioning link.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom, click Auto Provision Now.
  5. In the pop-up dialog box, click OK to auto provision the IP phone.

    The IP phone downloads the configuration file from the PBX, and applies the configurations automatically.