Auto Provision IP Phones Remotely (RPS Method)

When IP phones are located in remote network, Yeastar P-Series Software Edition supports an RPS method. This method allows you to deploy and update IP phones remotely via public IP address/domain name and port, which can greatly save time and cost in mass deployment.

Note: This topic describes how to provision an IP phone and assign a user's extension to the phone. If you want to set up a hot desking phone via auto provisioning, see Set up a Hot Desking Phone.

Supported IP phones

This topic can be applied to the RPS supported IP phones that are deployed in a remote network.


  • Make sure that you have downloaded the template for the desired phone model (Path: Auto Provisioning > Resource Repository > Default Templates).
  • Gather information of IP phone, including Vendor, Model, and MAC address.


Yeastar P-Series Software Edition and IP phones are deployed in different networks. The PBX is behind a router and port forwarding is configured on the router.


Step1. Set a remote extension

Step 2. Generate configuration file for an IP phone on the PBX

Step 3. Reboot the IP phone to obtain the configuration file

Step 1. Set a remote extension

  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Extension and Trunk > Extension, edit the extension to be assigned.
  2. Click Advanced tab, select the checkbox of NAT in the VoIP Settings section.

  3. Click Security tab, select the checkbox of Allow Remote Registration in the SIP Security section.

  4. Click Save and Apply.

The extension can be registered in different LAN subnet or in a remote network.

Step 2. Generate configuration file for an IP phone on the PBX

  1. RESET the phone if it is previously used.
  2. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Auto Provisioning > Phones.
  3. Click Add to add an IP phone.
  4. In the IP Phone section, configure phone information as follows:
    • Vendor: Select a phone vendor.
    • Model: Select a phone model.
    • MAC Address: Enter MAC address of the phone.
  5. In the Options section, configure the following settings.
    • Template: Select a desired template from the drop-down list.
      Note: The template provides configurations except extension assignment. You can select the default template corresponding to the phone model, or customize your own template. For more information, see Create a Custom Auto Provisioning Template.
    • Provisioning Method: Select RPS (Remote).

      A provisioning server URL is generated automatically and displayed on the web page.

    • Authentication for the First-time Auto Provisioning: If enabled, users are requested to fill in authentication information on the IP phones before triggering the first-time provisioning.
      Note: We recommend that you keep this option selected for security purpose.
  6. In the Assign Extension section, assign an extension to the phone.
    Tip: If your desired extension is not listed in the drop-down list, you can check if the extension has been associated with other IP phone or gateway.
  7. Click Save.

    A configuration file for the phone is generated in the PBX.

    The PBX will send an event notification of RPS Request Success, which means that the phone MAC is added automatically to the RPS server.

Step 3. Reboot the IP phone to obtain the configuration file

  1. Reboot the IP phone.
  2. If you have enabled Authentication for the First-time Auto Provisioning on the PBX, enter the authentication credential on the IP phone to finish phone provisioning.

    • Username: Enter the extension number that is assigned to the phone.
    • Password: Enter the extension's Voicemail Access PIN.
      Note: Check the Voicemail Access PIN in the Voicemail tab on the extension configuration page.


The extension registration status of provisioned phones is displayed on Auto Provisioning > Phones.
  • : The assigned extension is registered on the phone.
  • : The assigned extension is unregistered on the phone.