Check for Available Firmware Updates

This topic describes how to automatically or manually check for firmware updates.

Automatic check for firmware updates

This feature is available only when the number of PBX extensions is less than 1000.
Make sure the PBX can access the Internet.
  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Maintenance > Upgrade.
  2. In the Automatic Upgrade section, select Check for updates and notify me.
  3. In the Automatically check for updates at drop-down list, set when the system should check for new version. This can be a daily or weekly check.
  4. Click Save.
The system will regularly check for new firmware.
Note: If a new firmware is detected, the followings can be achieved:
  • At the top-right corner of PBX web portal, is displayed. Click , click What's New to check release notes for the new version or click Version to go to upgrade page.

  • The system will notify you via specific notification methods if you have enabled notification for New System Firmware Detected event.

Manual check for firmware updates

This feature is available only when the number of PBX extensions is less than 1000.
Make sure the PBX can access the Internet.
  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Maintenance > Upgrade.
  2. Click Check for the New Firmware.
If a new firmware is detected, you will find a table as below. Click the link under Release Notes to check what's updated in the new version, and decide whether to upgrade the firmware now.