Contacts Overview

Yeastar Contacts feature allows users to store external contacts outside of your company on PBX, access and call these contacts on endpoints (IP phone and Linkus UC Clients) where their extensions have been registered.

Types of external contacts

Personal Contacts
Personal Contacts is exclusive to each extension user, allowing extension users to create and store a number of personal contacts (such as direct customers) on Linkus UC Clients.
Note: Each user's Personal Contacts is only visible to himself or herself.
For more information, see the following topics:
Company Contacts
Company Contacts is shared among authorized users, allowing you and the authorized users to create and store a number of company shared contacts (such as company's customers, resellers, and partners) on PBX web portal and Linkus UC Clients.
You can add company contacts manually, import company contacts, synchronize contacts from external sources (such as database, CRM, helpdesk, etc.), and the authorized users can add company contacts on Linkus UC Clients.
For more information, see the following topics:


Phonebook is a value-added service for Company Contacts, which allows authorized users to group company contacts into phonebooks, and implement robust control over access to each phonebook.

Yeastar P-Series Software Edition supports two types of phonebooks:
  • PBX-native company phonebook: A phonebook that stores company contacts that are created on PBX web portal and Linkus Clients.
  • Third-party company phonebook: A phonebook that stores company contacts that are synced from third parties.

By default, phonebook is invisible to contacts. To allow users to view or manage phonebooks, you need to grant permissions.

For more information, see Set up Contact Visibility.


Maximum Number of Extensions (N) N < 1000 N ≥ 1000
Personal contacts (per extension) 100 500
Company contacts (total) 200,000 500,000
Company phonebooks 200 500