Time Condition Overview

Time Condition is the communication feature in Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition that enables you to set up distinct time periods for call handling. Time Condition allows you to route calls to various destinations at a different time like business hours, outside business hours, and holidays.

Where can Time Condition be applied?

Time Condition can be applied to an Inbound Route, an Outbound Route, and extension presence switch.

Apply to an Inbound Route

Time Condition can be used to control the destination of an inbound call based on date and time.

When a call reaches PBX, PBX will check the current system date and time against the time group associated, and then route the call to corresponding destination.

Apply to an Outbound Route
Time Condition can be used to limit the use of an Outbound Route based on date and time.

When a call is made, the system will check the current system date and time against the time group associated. Only when the time comes to the permitted time group can the outbound call be made.

Apply to extension presence switch
Extension presence status can be auto switched based on Time Condition. When time condition changes, extension presence status would be changed accordingly.
For example, when the PBX is in the time condition for Business Hours, the extension status is auto switched to Available.
Note: This feature should be enabled on extension configuration page. For more information, see Automatically Switch Extension Presence Based on Time.

Time Condition override

For a time-based inbound route, the system routes inbound calls based on the system time. However, users may need to force open or close business occasionally. In this case, you can grant permissions to allow specific users to override time condition for inbound calls through the route. For more information, see Override Time Condition for Inbound Calls.