Overview of Business Hours and Holidays

This topic describes different types of time defined in the Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition. Read the concepts before you manage business hours and holidays.

Business hours

Business Hours is the working hours during which you conduct business. A rest break that allows an employee to rest for a short period of time during working days is also considered as Business Hours.

Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition allows you to set a global business hours and also supports custom business hours for designated users.


Holiday defines the days your business is closed due to a holiday. Holidays can be divided into two types:
  • Fixed-date Holidays
  • Moveable-date Holidays

You can add holidays by date, month, or week according to the holiday type, and set different prompts for different holidays. For more information, see Create a Holiday.

Outside Business Hours

Outside Business Hours is the time periods that are not defined as Business Hours or Holidays.