Set Global Business Hours

This topic describes how to set up Global Business Hours.

Background information

Global Business Hours is the main business hours for your company. Global Business Hours may apply to most of the employees who have fixed work schedules.

For more information about different types of time in Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition, see Overview of Business Hours and Holidays.


  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Call Control > Business Hours and Holidays > Business Hours, click Add.
  2. In the Business Hours section, click Add, then specify the hours when your business is open.
  3. In the Break Hours section, click Add, then specify rest breaks during the working days.
  4. In the Date Settings section, select your working days.
    • Days of Week: If enabled, you can only use the Days of Week as the date condition for your business hours.
    • Advanced Options: If enabled, you can configure business hours more flexibly with a mixed condition of Week, Month, and Date.
  5. Optional: In the Other Options section, enter a note in the text field to help you identify the time group.
  6. Click Save and Apply.


  • A time group is created for Global Business Hours.
  • You can create more time groups according to your company's business hours. All the time groups created on the Business Hours page are regarded as your company's global business hours.

What to do next