Schedule a Paging Call or an Intercom Call

A scheduled paging call or intercom call allows Yeastar P-Series Software Edition or an extension user to make an announcement at a specific date and time. For facilities that require routine notifications set in advance, you can schedule a paging call or an intercom call.



  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Call Features > Paging/Intercom, click Scheduled Paging/Intercom tab.
  2. Schedule a paging call or an intercom call.
    1. Click Add.
    2. Configure the following settings:
      • Paging: Select a pre-configured paging group from the drop-down list.
      • Caller: Select a broadcaster.
        • {extension_user}: The extension user will make the announcement.
          On the specified date and time, the PBX will place a call to the user. When the user answers the call, group members' phones directly answer into speakerphone mode.
          Note: If the user rejects the call, the announcement will be cancelled.
        • None: The PBX will make the announcement.
          On the specified date and time, the PBX will place a call to group members and play a specific custom prompt. After the prompt ends, the PBX hangs up. The option can be applied to school bells, church bells, etc.
          Note: The option is available only when a custom prompt is assigned to the selected paging group or intercom group.
      • Start Date: Set the start date of the scheduled paging call or intercom call.
      • Time: Set the start time of the scheduled paging call or intercom call.
        Note: You can set up to 8 timings, which means that the paging call or intercom call can be placed at different time on the same day.
      • Days of Week: Select the days of week.

        The scheduled paging call or intercom call will be weekly placed on the specified days of week.

    3. Click Save and Apply.