Remote Management Overview

If you need remote technical support or troubleshooting, you can contact device provider to connect your PBX to Yeastar Central Management, which is a Yeastar-hosted platform for all the device providers to remotely access and manage devices. In this way, you can secure remote connection to your PBX, while reducing IT and maintenance costs.

Activation methods

User Scenario Instruction
In-house IT staff is responsible for routine maintenance of PBX system Connect Yeastar P-Series Software Edition to Yeastar Central Management Using Authentication Code
Device provider is responsible for routine maintenance of PBX system Connect Yeastar P-Series Software Edition to Yeastar Central Management Using Yeastar ID

Connection status

Status Description
Connecting The PBX is connecting to Yeastar Central Management.
Connected The PBX is connected to Yeastar Central Management.
Disconnect The PBX is NOT connected to Yeastar Central Management.
Error The PBX is connected to Yeastar Central Management, but specific errors occur.
Expired Device provider's subscription for Remote Management Service was expired.