Bulk Create SIP Extensions

This topic describes how to bulk create SIP extensions.


  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Extension and Trunk > Extension, click Add and select Bulk Add.
  2. Configure basic settings for the extensions as follows.
    1. In the User Information section, configure user information as follows:
      • Start Extension Number: Enter the start extension number.

        The system will bulk create extensions starting with the extension number.

      • Create Number: Enter the number of extensions that will be created.
        Note: Only an integer ranging from 1 to 999 is allowed.
      • User Password: Choose a password type.
        Important: Set a password that contains a minimum of 10 characters with number, upper case, and lower case.
        • Generate Randomly: Password will be randomly generated for each extension.
        • Prefix + Extension Number: If you choose the type, enter a prefix in the Password Prefix field.
        • Extension Number + Suffix: If you choose the type, enter a suffix in the Password Suffix field.
        • Fixed Password: If you choose the type, enter a fixed password in the Fixed Password field.
      • User Role: Assign a role to the extensions to determine whether these users can manage specific PBX features.
        The default value is None, which means that these users can not manage specific PBX features.
        Note: The system has default user roles with pre-configured permissions. You can also Create a User Role.
      • Organization: Select one or more organizations to which the extensions belong.
        Note: This option is available only when you enable the Organization Management feature.
      • Job Title: Enter a job title for the extensions, which will be displayed on Linkus clients.
      • System Prompt Language: Select the language of the system prompts heard by the extensions during a call.
        Note: The available language is synchronized from System Prompt (Path: PBX Settings > Voice Prompt > System Prompt).
    2. In the Extension Information section, configure extension registration information as follows.
      • Registration Name: Choose how to configure registration name.
        • Generate Randomly: Registration name will be randomly generated for each extension.
        • Prefix + Extension Number: If you choose the type, enter a prefix in the Name Prefix field.
        • Extension Number + Suffix: If you choose the type, enter a suffix in the Name Suffix field.
        • Fixed Name: If you choose the type, enter a fixed name in the Fixed Name field.
        • Extension Number: If you choose the type, extension number will be the registration name of each extension.
      • Registration Password: Choose a password type.
        Note: For security reasons, we recommend that you set a strong password. If you set weak passwords for these extensions, will be displayed in front of these extensions on Extension page.
        • Generate Randomly: Password will be randomly generated for each extension.
        • Prefix + Extension Number: If you choose the type, enter a prefix in the Password Prefix field.
        • Extension Number + Suffix: If you choose the type, enter a suffix in the Password Suffix field.
        • Fixed Password: If you choose the type, enter a fixed password in the Fixed Password field.
      • IP Phone Concurrent Registrations: Select a value from the drop-down list. This option defines how many SIP phones are allowed to register with each extension.
        • The maximum number of concurrent registration is 5.
        • Concurrent Registration setting only limits the registration number of non-Linkus SIP endpoints. The registration number of Linkus clients is not counted.
  3. Optional: Click other tabs to configure other settings for the extensions.
    • Presence: Configure presence settings.
    • Voicemail: Turn on Enable Voicemail, choose a password type from the drop-down list of Voicemail PIN Authentication.
      Tip: Configure voicemail notifications and play options according to your needs.
      • Generate Randomly: A PIN code will be randomly generated for each extension.
      • Prefix + Extension Number: If you choose the type, enter a prefix in the PIN Prefix field.
      • Extension Number + Suffix: If you choose the type, enter a suffix in the PIN Suffix field.
      • Fixed Password: If you choose the type, enter a PIN code in the Fixed PIN Code field.
      • Extension Number: If you choose the type, extension number will be set to PIN code for each extension.
      • Disabled: No PIN code is required when accessing voicemails.
    • Features: Configure email notifications, time-conditional presence auto switch, call handling rules, call recording, etc.
    • Advanced: Configure advanced settings.
    • Security: Configure SIP security settings and call restriction settings.
    • Linkus Clients: Enable Linkus clients for the extensions.
    • Function Keys: Provision function keys.

      When the extensions are bound with phones through auto provisioning, the function keys associated with the extensions will be applied to phones.

  4. Click Save and Apply.


  • The extensions are created.
  • The system prompts you the number of created extensions, and the associated extension numbers.

What to do next