Manage Service Ports of the PBX

This topic describes the services and the relevant service ports used on the Yeastar P-Series Software Edition and how to manage the ports centrally.

Background information

The following table describes the PBX's services and the default ports.

Service Description Default Port
HTTPS HTTPS port for web service. 8088
HTTP HTTP port for web service. 80
SSH SSH port is used to access the PBX underlying configurations to debug the system. 8022
SIP UDP SIP registration port for UDP protocol. 5060
SIP TCP SIP registration port for TCP protocol. 5060
SIP TLS SIP registration port for TLS protocol. 5061
Outbound SIP Port A random port in the port range will be used when sending packets to a SIP server. 5062-5082
RTP RTP ports for transmitting voice audio stream.


Linkus Port for logging in to Linkus clients. 8111
AMI Port for third party to access the AMI of PBX. 5038
Database Grant Port for third party to access the PBX database. 3306
LDAP Port Port for LDAP Client to access the PBX LDAP Server via LDAP protocol. 389
FTP Port for file sharing. 21


The settings of different services are in different web page, however, you can check or edit the ports centrally on the PBX.

  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to System > Network > Service Ports.

    All the service ports are displayed on the web page.

  2. To configure a port, click .

    You will be redirected to the configuration page of the service.

    1. Enter a new value of the service port.
    2. Click Save and Apply.