Customize Email Templates

This topic describes how to customize email notification language and email templates.

Background information

If you have enabled notification for a specific event, and have chosen to send emails to notify contacts, the system will send emails in the pre-configured email template to inform contacts when the event is triggered.

Yeastar P-Series Software Edition provides the following types of email templates:
  • Operations: Changes of password and login status.
  • Telephony: SIP trunk registration and emergency calling.
  • System: System performance, such as CPU overload, memory overload, new system firmware detected, system upgrade completed, etc.
  • Security: Such as web login block, auto defense, etc.
  • Event Reminder: Reminders related with the subscribed plan and services.
  • Email: Email notifications related with extensions.


  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to System > Email > Email Templates.
  2. Set the language of notification emails.
    Note: If you fail to find the desired language, you can update templates based on English.
    1. Click Notification Email Language.
    2. In the pop-up window, select a language from the drop-down list.
    3. Click Save.

      The system will send emails in the selected language.

  3. Edit a desired email template.
    1. In the Email Templates list, click beside the desired email template.
    2. In the Template drop-down list, select Custom.
    3. Edit email subject and content according to your needs.
      Note: Images, videos, and audios are not supported.
  4. Click Save and Apply.