Set up Group Voicemail for a Custom Group

For a team whose members come from different departments, you can set up a Group Voicemail for the team members. All team members will get notified when a group voicemail message is received.


  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Call Features > Voicemail > Group Voicemail.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Under General tab, complete the general settings:
    1. In the Basic section, configure the following settings:
      Setting Description
      Type Select Custom.
      Number Specify a virtual number for callers to access the group voicemail.
      Name Enter a group voicemail name to help you identify it.
      Mode Select the mode to handle received voicemail messages.
      • Shared by Members: The voicemail messages are saved in the group mailbox, and are shared by all members. Any members can manage the group voicemail messages.
      • Broadcast to Members: The voicemail messages are not stored in the group mailbox. Instead, the system broadcasts (copies and forwards) the voicemail messages to the individual mailboxes of all the members.
      Voicemail PIN Authentication Enable or disable voicemail PIN authentication.
      Voicemail Access PIN If enable voicemail PIN authentication, enter a desired access PIN number.
      Play Date and Time Optional. Play the date and time that the message was received before a voicemail message is played.
      Play Caller ID Optional. Play the caller ID information before a voicemail message is played.
      Play Message Duration Optional. Play the duration of the message before a voicemail message is played.
    2. In the Members section, set the recipients to receive group voicemails.
      • To send group voicemails to extension users, select the desired extensions or extension groups from Available box to Selected box.

      • To send group voicemails to recipients without extension assigned, select the checkbox of Custom Recipients, and enter email addresses in the Custom Email Address field.
        Note: A maximum of 5 email addresses is supported; Use semicolons ; to separate multiple email addresses.

    3. In the Group Voicemail Greeting section, select a voicemail greeting.

      You can also click Greeting Management to customize a greeting or mange your custom greetings.

  4. Under Voicemail Announcement tab, set up call alerts for new voicemail messages in the group voicemail.
    Note: This feature is only supported on the group voicemail with the Mode set to Shared by Members.
  5. Click Save and Apply.