Auto Clean up Recording Files

Clean up old recording files to free up space. When the storage device reaches 80% of its maximum storage capacity or reaches the maximum preservation days, the PBX automatically deletes the oldest recording files. You can customize the maximum usage of device and preservation days. This topic describes how to set up auto cleanup of recording files.


  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to System > Storage > Auto Cleanup > Recording Auto Cleanup.
  2. In the Max Usage of Device (%) field, enter a value to specify the maximum storage percentage of the device that is allowed to store recording files.
  3. In the Recordings Preservation Days field, enter the maximum number of days that the recording files should be retained.

    The value 0 indicates no limit.

  4. Click Save and Apply.
Note: If Auto Cleanup Reminder is enabled, and the retained recording files reach 90% of threshold, the system sends you a notification email. If the old recording files have continuing retention value, you can back up recording files or expand the retain limit in time.