Set up Basic Emergency Calling

To ensure that users can make emergency calls for help when an accident occurs, you need to set up emergency calling in Yeastar P-Series Software Edition. This topic describes how to set up basic emergency calling in Yeastar P-Series Software Edition.


  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Call Control > Emergency Number, click Add.
  2. In the Name field, specify a name to help you identify it.
  3. In the Emergency Number field, enter the emergency number.
  4. Leave the Emergency Outbound Caller ID Priority field as the default setting.
    • Emergency Outbound Caller ID Priority setting is typically for enhanced emergency calling, this setting will not affect basic emergency calling.
    • For basic emergency calling, you don't need to set Emergency Outbound Caller ID for extensions and trunks.
  5. Under the Outbound Rules tab, configure trunks for emergency calls.
    Note: Emergency calls have the highest priority. If the selected trunk is occupied, PBX will terminate the ongoing call, and place the emergency call.
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the drop-down list of Trunk, select a trunk.
    3. Leave the Trunk's Emergency Outbound Caller ID field blank.
      Note: Do not set emergency outbound caller ID for basic emergency calling, or the emergency calls may fail.
    4. If the ITSP requires a prefix to place outbound calls, enter the provided prefix number in the Prepend for Emergency Number field.

      The prefix will be automatically added at the beginning of the dialed emergency number. For example, if you set the field to 1234, when a user dials 911, the PBX system will add 1234 to the emergency number and call out 1234911.

      Important: Carefully configure the prefix according to the ITSP's requirements, or the emergency calls may fail.
    5. Optional: Repeat step a - step d to add another trunk.
      Note: If the first trunk cannot work properly, the PBX will use the second trunk to make calls.
  6. Click Save and Apply.

What to do next

After setting up an emergency calling, you may need to consider the following configurations: