Set up a Hot Desking Phone

This topic describes how to set up a phone for hot desking via auto provisioning.

Important: If the desired phone has been assigned to an extension, you need to delete the phone from auto provisioning phone list and RESET the phone first.

Supported devices

Hot desking is applicable on the IP phones listed in Auto Provisioning - Supported Devices.


Gather information of IP phone, including Vendor, Model, and MAC address.
  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Auto Provisioning > Phones.
  2. Click +Add > Add.
  3. In the IP Phone section, enter the phone's information:

    • Vendor: Select a phone vendor.
    • Model: Select a phone model.
    • MAC Address: Enter MAC address of the phone.
  4. In the Options section, configure the following settings:

    • Template: Select a desired template for the phone from the drop-down list.
    • Hot Desking Phone: Enable the option to set the phone as a hot desking phone.

      The phone is automatically assigned to a virtual extension named HostExt{virtual_num}.

  5. Click Save.
  6. If the phone you add is Grandstream IP phone or Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise phone, you need to log in to the IP phone web interface and manually add the provisioning link to the phone.
  7. Reboot the IP phone manually.


The phone is connected to the PBX and set as a hot desking phone with the virtual extension registered. You can check the registration status from the phone list; The PBX system automatically assigns a Guest In key to the phone.

Note: Users can only use the phone with virtual extension registered to make emergency calls. To use the phone for regular calling, users must either dial the Guest In feature code or press the Guest In BLF key to log in the phone.

What to do next

Enable Hot Desking for an Extension User