
Released Date: April 12, 2018


PBX Stability

Improved the stability of the PBX.

ITSP Template
Added the following ITSP templates on VoIP Trunk.
  • Germany — Telekom/Deutschland LAN IP Voice
  • Germany — Telekom/Deutschland LAN SIP-Trunk
SSH Security
  • Improved the security of SSH access.
System Logs
  • Optimized the system logs.
API Interface
  • Supported for adding an authenticated IP address to get auto recording files from the PBX.

Help Documents

  • Deleted the Help App, and added a Help button on the task bar; you can click the button to view the online documents.

Fixed Bug

  • Fixed the Password setting on SIP Trunk: the password would not take effect if the password length exceeded 63 characters.
  • Fixed the video quality issue with Yealink video phones