Released Date: November 2, 2016
New Feature
- Added VPN Server Application.
- Added Hot Standby feature.
- Added support for deleting used records, keeping missed call records only, and phone numbers digits match for AutoCLIP route.
- Added support for enabling/disabling VoIP trunks.
- Added support for monitoring FXS and GSM/3G channels.
- Added support for changing auto logout time.
- Added IVR invalid key prompt setting.
- Added support for enabling/disabling “Local SIP Port”.
- Added one touch recording prompt settings.
- Extension users could check their outbound route privileges on S-Series web user interface. Notice that the extension users could only check but could not edit outbound routes.
- Added support for checking and downloading system prompt files via FTP. The access address is ftp://PBX's IP address/ysapps/pbxcenter/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/.
- Added support for changing SSH username and password.
- Added support for Deutsch web interface language.
- Added support for Czech system prompt.
- Optimized backup function: the backup file will contain custom prompts and music on hold files.
- Extended the max supported log files captured on Ethernet Capture Tool.
- Time search on CDR and Recording page is accurate to the seconds.
- Increased the maximum number of conference members.
- S20: 10
- S50: 25
- S100: 60
- S300: 120
- Increased the maximum number of pickup groups.
- S20: 10
- S50: 25
- S100: 64
- S300: 64
- Limited the SIP UDP port setting: the port value could not fall in the range of local SIP ports.
- Character limit for Trunk name: characters * ? are not allowed.
- Character limit for Inbound route DID number: character + is allowed.
- Character limit for Time Condition Name: characters ! $ ( ) \ / # ; , [ ] \ " = < > & ' ` ^ % @ { } | \ and blank character are not allowed.
- Character limit for system email password: character $ is allowed.
- The system will notify users on web if D30 module is removed.
- When you upload Tiptel phonebook to S-Series PBX, you can choose phone type and upload different phonebooks.
- Notification template could work for both SMS notification and email notification.
- You can sort speed dial numbers.
- Optimized Call Features and Conference Panel Web User Interface.
- Updated Chinese system prompts.
- Updated traditional Chinese web user interface.
- There is no limit for SIP trunk registration attempts by default.
Fixed Bug
- Fixed event center issue: when the PBX used Dual network mode, if you disconnected network cables for both LAN and WAN port, the system would not send notification.
- Fixed CDR issue: if you change the E1 trunk name, the CDR would display an incorrect E1 trunk name.
- Fixed the issue that if an extension user download call logs from web, he would download all the call logs on the system even he didn’t have the privilege.
- Fixed the SD card issue: the system would always warn you that the SD card format was wrong.
- Fixed event center issue: if you use GSM/3G trunk to call out and the called party declined, the system would treat this call as a failed call and send you a notification.
- Fixed VoIP trunk issue: if you enable proxy server, and disable it again, then save the changes, the VoIP trunk would not work properly.
- Fixed conference issue: if a conference moderator extension is in an extension group, the moderator would be required to enter a password to enter the conference.
- Fixed custom prompt issue: two prompt files would be created if you made a custom prompt using an extension.
- Fixed conference issue: if you invited users to one conference, the system concurrent calls would be twice of the invited users.
- Fixed SMS to Email issue: emails received in Foxmail would display incorrect received time.
- Fixed one touch recording issue: if you changed extension A’s default Caller ID, and use extension A call to extension B, press *1 to make one touch record; this call would not be recorded in CDR.
- Fixed one touch recording issue: in an internal call, if the two extension users both press *1 to make one touch record; this call would not be recorded in CDR.
- Fixed network drive issue: if the shared folder name is a Chinese name, the network drive could not be mounted to PBX.
- Fixed Email to SMS issue: received contents in your mobile phone might be incomplete if you write too many contents in the email.
- Fixed the temporary voicemail message issue.
- Fixed holiday time condition issue: the system computed holiday time incorrectly.
- Fixed LDAP phonebook issue: edit the default LDAP phonebook, set the settings as one new created phonebook settings, then all the phonebooks would be changed to the same phonebook automatically.
- Fixed compatibility issue with IE11 browser: users could not listen and download recordings on IE11.
- Fixed queue issue: when you called in a queue, if you pressed any key on your phone when you were waiting for answer, the call would be disconnected automatically.
- Fixed SIP trunk issue: for a registered and active SIP trunk, if the SIP provider always requires an Expires field in REGISTER packets, the SIP trunk would turn into an unavailable trunk.
- Fixed queue issue: if the ring strategy was set to “Ring All”, some queue members might not ring at the same time.
- Fixed PPPoE issue: if you set store system logs to one network drive, and changed network mode to PPPoE, the system could not obtain network.
- Fixed VLAN issue: if network mode was DHCP, VLAN could not work.
- Fixed inbound route DID issue: if DID number starts with digit 0, the system would automatically delete digit 0.
- Fixed Allowlist/Blocklist issue: if you entered a number range, the web interface would display incorrectly.
- Fixed compatibility issue with IE11 browser: checking system information log would cause the page no response.
- Fixed AutoCLIP route issue: if you set “Record Keep Time” to 0, the system CPU would reach 100%.
- Fixed the issue that feature code *8 was not available.
- Fixed Echo Cancellation issue: if you changed module on the PBX, echo cancellation could not work properly.
- Fixed PBX center app issue: updating PBX center would cause all the extension being unavailable.
- Fixed user permission issue: if you set the privilege as “Custom”, and granted “voice prompts” privilege for the user, the privilege would be invalid for the user.
- Fixed recording prompt issue: if you set inbound route to one callback destination, the system did not play the recording prompt for the incoming calls.
- Fixed connection issue between two S-Series PBXs: PBX1 set NAT mode to STUN, PBX2 set NAT mode to external IP address, internal calls between the two PBXs could not work properly.
- Fixed the CDR issue: if an extension user pressed *1 to make one touch recording, he could not check the call log on web.
- Fixed the issue that SIP Registration/Subscription settings could not take effect.
- Fixed the issue that if virtual ring back tone was enabled on GSM/3G trunk, the trunk could not receive calls.
- Fixed that Peer SIP trunk issue.
- Fixed the issue that using wget command could not resolve domain under SSH.
- Fixed the issue that custom configuration file extensions.conf could not work properly.
- Fixed the issue that if an incoming call is forwarded to an external number, this call would not be recorded.
- Fixed VoIP trunk issue: if “Hostname/IP” and “Domain” were set differently, the trunk could not work properly.
- Fixed the issue that adding user permission would fail if there were 300 extension users on the PBX.
- Fixed G729/G723/iLBC codec issue: multiple concurrent calls with the codecs would cause the system freezing up.
- Fixed event center issue: if sending alerts failed, it might cause memory leaks.