Restrict Access to Administrator Portal by IP Addresses

As a super administrator, you can add IP restrictions to specify the IP addresses from which super administrator are allowed to access administrator portal.


The firmware version of PBX server is or later.


  1. Log in to PBX administrator portal, go to Security > Security Settings > Security Options.
  2. Turn on the option Enable IP Restriction for Administrator Login.

    You are prompted that your current IP address is not allowed to log in to administrator portal.

  3. Add one or more IPs.

    1. Click Add.
    2. Enter the allowed IP address and the subnet mask.
    Note: The maximum number of allowed IP rule is 10.
  4. Click Save.


  • Only the allowed IP addresses can access PBX administrator portal. Users attempting to log in as administrator from disallowed IP addresses will receive different prompts depending on the address they visit:
    • If a user logs in as administrator using PBX IP address/admin/login, he or she will be prompted that the page is not found.

    • If a user logs in as administrator using PBX IP address/login, he or she will be prompted that "Your current IP address is restricted".

  • The IP address(es) are added to the system's static defense rules. You can check it on Security > Security Rules > Static Defense.
    Note: Changes made to the static defense will not be synchronized to the allowed IP list here.