Install Yeastar P-Series Software Edition on Amazon AWS

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is one of the services provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), where you can create and run instances (virtual machines). This topic describes how to install and run Yeastar P-Series Software Edition on an AWS instance.

AWS Diagram

The following diagram helps you understand the architecture and the process of building and running Yeastar P-Series Software Edition within AWS.


Video Tutorial

Step 1. Create a VPC

Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to provision a logically isolated section of the AWS.

  1. Open Amazon VPC console.
    Note: Take note of the region where you will create a VPC. Make sure you stay working in the region before you finish the installation task.

  2. On the left navigation bar, click Your VPCs, then click Create VPC.

  3. Set up the VPC.

    • Name tag: Enter a name to help you identify the VPC. In this example, enter P-Series Software Edition.
    • IPv4 CIDR block: Specify an IPv4 CIDR block for the VPC. In this example, enter
    • IPv6 CIDR block: Select No IPv6 CIDR block.
    • Tenancy: Select Default.
  4. Click Create VPC.

    The VPC is created and displayed on Your VPCs list.

Step 2. Configure the VPC

  1. Create a subnet so that you can launch tasks and services in a subnet.
    1. On the left navigation bar, click Subnets, then click Create Subnet.

    2. Set up a subnet as follows, then click Create subnet.

      Table 1.
      Settings Descriptions
      VPC ID Select the VPC that is created for Yeastar P-Series Software Edition.

      In this example, select P-Series Software Edition.

      Subnet name Enter a name to help you identify the subnet.

      In this example, enter subnet-for-p-software.

      Availability Zone Select a zone in which your subnet will reside or leave the default No Preference to let AWS choose an zone for you.

      In this example, select No Preference.

      IPv4 CIDR block Specify an IPv4 CIDR block for your subnet.

      In this example, enter

  2. Create an Internet gateway to allow the communication between your VPC and the Internet.
    1. On the left navigation bar, select Internet Gateways, then click Create internet Gateway.

    2. In the Name tag field, enter a name to help you identify the gateway, then click Create internet gateway.

      In this example, enter gateway-for-p-software.

    3. At the top-right corner, select Attach to VPC from the drop-down list of Actions.

    4. Select the VPC that is created for Yeastar P-Series Software Edition, then click Attach internet gateway.

      The Internet gateway is created and associated with your VPC.

  3. Create a route table, so that network traffic from the subnet can be directed.
    1. On the left navigation bar, select Route Tables, then click Create route table.

    2. Enter credentials for a new route table, then click Create route table.

      • Name: Enter a name to help you identify the route table. In this example, enter route-table-for-p-software.
      • VPC: Select the VPC that is created for Yeastar P-Series Software Edition. In this example, select P-Series Software Edition.
    3. Add a rule to access the Internet through an Internet gateway.
      1. At the top-right corner, select Edit routes from the drop-down list of Actions.

      2. Click Add route, set Destination as, and set Target to the Internet gateway that you have created.

      3. Click Save Changes.
    4. Associate route table with the subnet for P-Series Software Edition.
      1. At the top-right corner, select Edit subnet associations from the drop-down list of Actions.

      2. Select the subnet for P-Series Software Edition.

      3. Click Save associations.

Step 3. Install Yeastar P-Series Software Edition on an instance

  1. Log in to your Amazon EC2 console.
  2. On the left navigation bar, go to Instances > Instances, choose Launch instances.

  3. In Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) page, select the AMI.

    1. On the left navigation bar, select Community AMIs.
    2. In the search bar, enter Yeastar P-Series Software Edition and press Enter.
    3. Click Select besides the desired AMI.
  4. In Step 2: Choose an Instance Type page, choose the instance based on the Extensions (EXT) and Concurrent Calls (CC) of your PBX system.
    1-20 EXT

    (1-5 CC)

    21-50 EXT

    (6-13 CC)

    51-250 EXT

    (14-63 CC)

    251-500 EXT

    (64-125 CC)

    501-1000 EXT

    (126-250 CC)

    EXT > 1000

    (CC > 250)

    Recommended Instance Type t3.small t3.medium c5a.xlarge c5a.2xlarge c5.2xlarge Contact Yeastar
  5. In Step 3: Configure Instance Details page, configure the instance.

    1. Configure the following options:
      • Network: Select the VPC that is created for Yeastar P-Series Software Edition. In this example, select P-Series Software Edition.
      • Subnet: Select the subnet that is created for Yeastar P-Series Software Edition. In this example, select subnet-for-p-software.
    2. Leave other settings as default or configure them according to your needs.
    3. Click Next: Add Storage.
  6. In Step 4: Add Storage page, allocate at least 40 GB to the instance, and then click Next: Add Tags.
    Note: The total storage space is automatically assigned to partitions as follows:
    • /: 10 GB
    • /swap: 10 GB
    • /home: Remaining Free Space after space for / partition and /swap partition is excluded from the total size.

  7. In Step 5: Add Tags page, leave the settings as default or configure them according to your needs, then click Next: Configure Security Group.

  8. In Step 6: Configure Security Group page, configure security settings.

    1. Select Create a new security group.
    2. Configure the security group:
      • Security group name: Enter a name to help you identify the security group.
      • Description: Enter a description for the security group.
      • Type: Select All traffic.
      • Source: Select Custom and then select

        All the IP addresses are allowed to access P-Series Software Edition.

    3. Click Review and Launch.
  9. Click Launch.
  10. In the pop-up window, select Proceed without a key pair, select the checkbox of the acknowledgement, then click Launch Instances.


On Instances > Instances, if Status check is displayed as 2/2 checks passed, it indicates that the PBX system is installed successfully.
Note: A public IP address is assigned to the PBX system. To check the public IP address, go to Public IPv4 Address column.

Open a web browser, enter the public IP address of the PBX in the address bar, then press Enter.

What to do next