Preparation: Write Yeastar P-Series Image to a USB Drive

If you choose to install Yeastar P-Series Software Edition on an on-premise server, you need to write P-Series image to a USB drive in advance. This topic describes how to write P-Series image to a USB drive via UltraISO software.


Download an image file of Yeastar P-Series Software Edition.

Note: Based on the difference in installation methods, Yeastar provides two kinds of image file for P-Series Software Edition. Refer to the following table for details.
Table 1.
Item Automatic Installation Manual Installation
Image File Name and Format Yeastar-P_SOFTWARE-auto-{version}.iso

Example: Yeastar-P_SOFTWARE-auto-


Example: Yeastar-P_SOFTWARE-manual-

Hard Disk Size Minimum 1 TB Minimum 1 TB
Partition Method Automatic Manual
Partition Rule

The system automatically partitions a hard disk as follows:

  • /: 100 GB
  • /swap: 50 GB
  • /home: Remaining Free Space after space for / partition and /swap partition is excluded from the total size.
You need to manually create the following required partitions, and then you can create others according to your needs.
  • /
  • /swap
  • /home


  1. Format your USB drive with FAT32.
  2. Open the P-Series image file via UltraISO.

  3. Write P-Series image to the USB drive.
    1. Click Bootable > Write Disk Image.
    2. Choose your USB drive as Disk Drive, and choose the P-Series image file, then click Write.

    3. Click Yes to start writing P-Series image to the USB drive.


After the process of writing image is completed, you can check the following files in your USB drive.