Install Yeastar P-Series Software Edition on Vultr

You can install Yeastar P-Series Software Edition on your Vultr server directly from Vultr Marketplace, enabling quick deployment of Yeastar PBX without manual configuration of the deployment environment.

Video Tutorial

Step 1. Install Yeastar P-Series Software Edition from Vultr Marketplace

Deploy a Vultr server and install Yeastar P-Series Software Edition utilizing the pre-configured Yeastar PBX image from Vultr Marketplace.

  1. Access 'Yeastar P-Series Phone System' on Vultr Marketplace, and click Deploy.

    You will be redirected to the server deployment page.

  2. In the Choose Server section, choose one of the first two servers to install Yeastar P-Series Software Edition.
    Server Description Instruction
    Optimized Cloud Compute A server with dedicated vCPU that offers stable performance but at a higher cost.
    1. In the Choose Server section, select Optimized Cloud Compute.
    2. In the Server Type section, select the recommended option General Purpose or specify a type that suits your needs.

    Cloud Compute A server with shared vCPU that is more cost-effective, but may experience performance fluctuations due to shared resources.
    1. In the Choose Server section, select Cloud Compute.
    2. In the CPU & Storage Technology section, select the recommended option intel High Performance or select an option that suits your needs.

  3. Configure the basic information of the server.
    • Server Location: Select a server location closest to you.
    • Server Image: Retain the value of Yeastar P-Series Phone System.

    • Server Size: Select the server size based on the Extensions (EXT) and Concurrent Calls (CC) of your PBX system.
      1-20 EXT

      (1-5 CC)

      21-50 EXT

      (6-13 CC)

      51-250 EXT

      (14-63 CC)

      251-500 EXT

      (64-125 CC)

      501-1000 EXT

      (126-250 CC)

      EXT > 1000

      (CC > 250)

      vCPU 2 2 4 6 8 Contact Yeastar
      Memory 2 GB 4 GB 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB
      Storage Call Recording Disabled 40 GB

      or higher

      40 GB

      or higher

      50 GB

      or higher

      100 GB

      or higher

      200 GB

      or higher

      Call Recording Enabled Recommended: 1 TB
      Tip: 1 GB of storage holds approximately 1000 minutes of recorded calls. You can set up the storage based on your recording usage.
  4. Optional: Set up the following additional features according to your needs.

  5. Configure network settings for the server.

    • IP Address: Specify an IP address for this server, which will also serve as the IP address for the PBX.
      • To assign a new IP address, retain the default value Assign New IP.
      • To assign an existing IP address, click the drop-down list and select the desired IP address.
    • Server Hostname & Label: Specify a host name and a label to help you identify this server.
  6. Click Deploy Now.

    The server status shows Running, indicating that the Vultr server is successfully deployed with Yeastar P-Series Software Edition installed.

Step 2. Set up network connection for Yeastar P-Series Software Edition

To enable the PBX to communicate with the Internet, you need to access the web portal of Yeastar P-Series Software Edition to set up network connection.
  1. Obtain the public IP address of your Yeastar P-Series Software Edition.

    1. On Vultr, go to Products > Compute.
    2. Copy the IP address of the server where the PBX is installed.
      Note: The IP address of the Vultr server is the public IP address of the PBX.
  2. Open a web browser, paste the public IP address of the PBX in the address bar, then press Enter.

    You will access the PBX web portal and enter the installation wizard of Yeastar P-Series Software Edition.

  3. In the LAN section, select DHCP, then click Next.

  4. In the pop-up window, click Yes to reboot the system and apply the setting.
    Note: The reboot process may take a few minutes. During this time, you will NOT be able to access the PBX.
  5. After the reboot is complete, re-access the PBX web portal via its public IP address and click Next.
  6. In the pop-up window, click Ignore Issue(s).

    Note: This LAN connection issue is caused by the difference between the network settings of Vultr and PBX, which does NOT affect the usage of the PBX.

    By default, Vultr assigns the public IP address to the server's first virtual network interface. However, since the PBX's first virtual network interface is configured as internal interface, we bound the public IP address to it for PBX to communicate with the Internet, which results in abnormal LAN network detection.

What to do next