Yeastar P-Series Software Edition

Release date: September 14, 2022

New features

Microsoft Azure Active Directory Integration
By integrating Yeastar P-Series Software Edition with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), you can synchronize Azure AD users and groups to PBX, and enable the synced Azure AD users to log in to Linkus Web Client and Mobile Client by their Microsoft accounts with Single Sign-on (SSO).
For more information, see Azure Active Directory Integration Guide.
Microsoft Active Directory Integration
By integrating Yeastar P-Series Software Edition with local Active Directory (AD), you can synchronize the local AD's users, organizational units, and groups to PBX, and enable the synced AD users to directly log in to Linkus Web Client and Mobile Client by their Active Directory domain accounts.
For more information, see Active Directory Integration Guide.
Audio Conferencing
The feature allows Linkus Web Client users to initiate an instant audio conference during a call. An audio conference supports up to 9 participants (can be either internal colleagues or external business partners).
For more information, see Audio Conferencing Overview.
Call Flip
The feature allows users to move their ongoing calls from current device to another (with their extensions registered), without interrupting the conversation.
For more information, see Call Flip Overview.
Call Switch
The feature allows users to retrieve an ongoing call from the original device (with their extensions registered), and continue the call on Linkus Web Client, 'Yeastar Linkus for Google', or Linkus Mobile Client, without interrupting the conversation.

For more information, see the following topics:

Improvements and bug fixes

Web Interface
  • Added support for the following web interface languages:
    • Arabic
    • Japanese
    • Brazilian Portuguese
    • Slovenian
  • Optimized the user experience of web interface.
Auto Provisioning
Added support for auto provisioning the following IP phones via RPS:
Vendor Phone model
Snom M300, M400, M900
Flyingvoice FIP10, FIP11C, FIP12WP, FIP13G, FIP14G, FIP15G, FIP15G Plus, FIP16, FIP16 Plus
Email Template
Added support for Email template language of German.
Call issue
Fixed the following call issues:
  • An extension user had answered a call on Linkus Mobile Client, but the IP phone with the same extension registered displayed a missed call.
  • When an extension user made an outbound call using a remote extension (auto provisioned via FQDN) through a SIP trunk, there was no audio on the call.
Extension Ring Strategy
Fixed the following extension ring strategy issues:
  • An extension was set to ring different endpoints in order, when a call was sent to the extension via an IVR, and rang the second destination, the caller suddenly couldn't hear the ringback tone.
  • An extension was set to ring Linkus Web Client first and Linkus Mobile Client secondly, but the Mobile Client rang simultaneously on an incoming call, and the extension user failed to answer the call on Mobile Client.
LDAP Server
Fixed the LDAP server issue: After enabled the LDAP server, there was no data displayed in the LDAP Credentials.
Outbound Route
Fixed the outbound route issue: A SIP register trunk (limited to one concurrent call) and another trunk were both selected in an outbound route, when the SIP register trunk was occupied, calls made through the outbound route would fail even if the other trunk was idle.
AutoCLIP Route
Fixed the AutoCLIP record issue: The Match Outgoing Trunk option was not enabled, but when the same number called back, PBX didn't delete the AutoCLIP record.
Call Recording
Fixed the following call recording issues:
  • A queue was selected to be recorded, but not all call recording files of the queue were displayed.
  • An extension user started recording during a call, but the recording file was not displayed when the call ended.
Fixed the CDR download issue: When downloaded the CDR records that were filtered by a callee's or caller's name, the file was empty.
  • Fixed the security rule issue: When the Drop All but Accepted IPs in Static Defense option was enabled, all ICMP ping packets were dropped even if the source IP addresses are accepted in Static Defense.
  • Fixed the Static Defense issue: When setting a defense rule to drop specified IPs, if the Subnet Mask was set to, the defense rule would not take effect.