Create a Custom Auto Provisioning Template

If you want to customize the general settings defined in a default provisioning template, or you want to add custom parameters, you can create a custom Auto Provisioning template. This topic describes how to create a custom Auto Provisioning template.

Background information

Custom template allows you to customize device settings. You can easily modify and apply the custom template to a group of devices, or an individual device.

Yeastar P-Series PBX System provides two types of custom template:

  • Basic Custom Template: Allow you to customize the parameters provided in the default template.
  • Advanced Custom Template: Allow you to customize parameters provided in the default template, and add additional parameters for the desired phones.
    Note: Contact your vendor to make sure that the added parameters are supported.

Create a Auto Provisioning basic template

If you want to customize the settings that are defined in a default provisioning template, you can create a basic Auto Provisioning template.

  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Auto Provisioning > Resource Repository > Custom Templates.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Basic section, set basic information.
    • Template Name: Enter a name to help you identify it.
    • Source Default Template: Select a default provisioning template to customize.
    • Template Type: Select Basic.

      The general settings that the source default template provides will be displayed in the Preference, Distinctive Ringtone, Codecs and LDAP Directory sections.

    • Remark: Optional. Enter a short description about this template.
  4. In the Preference section, modify the preference settings that are provided by the source default template.
  5. In the Distinctive Ringtone section, modify the settings according to your needs.
  6. In the Codecs section, select a desired codec according to your needs.
  7. In the LDAP Directory section, modify the settings according to your needs.
  8. In the VLAN section, configure the VLAN settings according to your needs.
  9. Click Save.

Create an advanced Auto Provisioning template

If the settings that you want to configure for your devices are not defined in the default provisioning template, you can create an advanced Auto Provisioning template.

  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Auto Provisioning > Resource Repository > Custom Templates.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Basic section, set the basic information.
    • Template Name: Enter a name to help you identify it.
    • Source Default Template: Select a default template to customize.
    • Template Type: Select Advanced.

      The general settings that the source default template provides will be displayed in the Preference, Distinctive Ringtone, Codecs and LDAP Directory sections; A text box containing all configuration parameters will be displayed in the Customize Configuration Parameters In Text section.

    • Remark: Optional. Enter a short description about this template.
  4. In the Preference section, modify the preference settings that are provided by the source default template.
  5. In the Distinctive Ringtone section, modify the settings according to your needs.
  6. In the Codecs section, select a desired codec according to your needs.
  7. In the LDAP Directory section, modify the settings according to your needs.
  8. In the VLAN section, configure the VLAN settings according to your needs.
  9. Add additional parameters that are not provided by the source default template.
    Note: The general settings defined in source default template are assigned with variables. The variable that starts with {{. and ends with }} is associated with the configuration that can be configured on Preference, Codecs, and Function Keys sections. Please don't change the variable if you want to modify the settings from PBX web portal.
    1. In the Customize Configuration Parameters In Text section, add your configuration parameters in the first text box.
      Note: Contact your vendor to make sure that the parameters are supported for the device model.
    2. In the second text box, select which function keys to be applied according to the phone model.

      You can also add your function key parameters in the second text box.

  10. Click Save.