Auto Provisioning - Variables in Templates

The provision templates make use of a set of variables that are replaced by the actual value when a device is provisioned. This topic shows you the variables used in the provisioning templates.

Variable Description
Preference settings
{{.PhoneWebLanguage}} The language configured on phone web interface.
{{.PhoneLanguage}} The language configured on phone interface.
{{.Tones}} The default ringtone of the phone.
{{.CallWaiting}} Enable or disable call waiting feature.
{{.PhoneUser}} The user name for logging in to the phone web interface.
{{.PhonePassword}} The password for logging in to the phone web interface.
{{.TimeZone}} The time zone.
{{.TimeZoneName}} The time zone name.
{{.DaylightSavingTime}} The daylight saving time.
{{.PrimaryNtpServer}} The primary NTP server address.
{{.SecondaryNtpServer}} The second NTP server address.
{{.TimeFormat}} The time format.
{{.DateFormat}} The date format.


The date separator format.

{{.TransferModeViaDsskey}} The transfer mode for function key.
{{.SuppressDtmfDisplay}} Enable or disable the IP phone to suppress the display of DTMF digits.
{{.AutoProvisionServerUrl}} The URL of provision server.
{{.AutoProvisionServerUrlWithoutProtocol}} The URL of provision server without transport protocol.
{{.AutoProvisionServerProtocolUppercase}} The uppercase representation of the transport protocol in the auto provisioning URL.
{{.AutoProvisionServerProtocolLowercase}} The lowercase representation of the transport protocol in the auto provisioning URL.
{{.ProvisioningFile}} The name of configuration file.
{{.FirmwareUrl}} The URL of firmware.
{{.FirmwareUrlWithoutProtocol}} The URL of firmware without transport protocol.
{{.FirmwareFile}} The name of firmware.
{{.FirmwareFullDownloadUrl}} The full download URL of firmware.


The version of firmware.
{{.EnableUacsta}} Enable or disable uaCSTA.
{{.AlertInfoText_X}} The alert info text to trigger the IP phone to play a specific ring tone.
{{.AlertInfoRingtone_X}} The specific ring tone corresponding to Alert info.
{{.WallpaperImageServerUrl}} The URL of the wallpaper image for the phone.
{{.WallpaperFileName}} The file name of the wallpaper image for the phone.
{{.ScreenSaverImageServerUrl}} The URL of the ScreenSaver image for the phone.
{{.ScreensaverFileName}} The file name of the ScreenSaver image for the phone.
{{.BootLogoImageServerUrl}} The URL of the boot logo image for the phone.
{{.BootLogoFileName}} The file name of the boot logo image for the phone.
VLAN settings for phones
{{.WanVlanEnable}} Enable or disable VLAN for the WAN port of the phone.
{{.WanVlanId}} The VLAN ID for the WAN port of the phone.
{{.WanVlanPriority}} The VLAN priority for the WAN port of the phone.
{{.PcVlanEnable}} Enable or disable VLAN for the PC port of the phone.
{{.PcVlanId}} The VLAN ID for the PC port of the phone.
{{.PcVlanPriority}} The VLAN priority for the PC port of the phone.
{{.DhcpVlanEnable}} Enable or disable acquiring the VLAN ID through DHCP option.
{{.DhcpVlanOption}} The DHCP option(s) from which the phone will obtain the VLAN ID.
Note: Use a comma to separate multiple DHCP options.
Contact settings for Yealink / Flyingvoice / Wildix/ Dinstar phones
{{.CompanyPbUrl}} The URL of company contact file.
{{.CompanyPbName}} The name of company contact.
{{.PersonalPbUrl}} The URL of personal contact file.
{{.PersonalPbName}} The name of personal contact.
Account settings for IP phones
{{.EnbAccount}} Enable or disable extension registration.
{{.AccountLabel}} The extension label.
{{.AccountDisplayName}} The display name of extension.
{{.AccountRegistrationName}} The registration name of extension.
{{.AccountRegistrationExtNumber}} The registration number of extension.
{{.AccountRegistrationPassword}} The registration password of extension.
{{.AccountSipServerAddr}} The URL of PBX server for extension registration.
{{.AccountSipServerPort}} The port of PBX server for extension registration.
{{.AccountSipServerTransportType}} The type of transport protocol for extension registration.
{{.AutoAnswer}} Enable or disable auto answer feature.
{{.CheckVoicemail}} The voicemail feature code.
Account settings for DECT phones(X is the handset ID)
{{.EnbAccount_X}} Enable or disable extension registration.
{{.SRTP_X}} Enable or disable extension SRTP feature.
{{.AccountLabel_X}} The extension label.
{{.AccountDisplayName_X}} The display name of extension.
{{.AccountRegistrationName_X}} The registration name of extension.
{{.AccountRegistrationExtNumber_X}} The registration number of extension.
{{.AccountRegistrationPassword_X}} The registration password of extension.
{{.AccountSipServerAddr_X}} The URL of provisioning server for extension registration.
{{.AccountSipServerPort_X}} The port of provisioning server for extension registration.
{{.AccountSipServerTransportType_X}} The type of transport protocol for extension registration.
{{.CheckVoicemail_X}} The voicemail feature code.
SIP server template for Yealink W80B(X is the template ID, X=1, 2 or 3)


The template name.


The URL of PBX server for extension registration.


The port of PBX server for extension registration.


The type of transport protocol for extension registration.
Audio codec(X is the codec priority, X=1, 2, 3 or 4)
{{.AccountAudioCodec_X}} The priority of the audio codec.
{{.AudioCodecsPriorities}} The priority of the audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecPcmu}} Enable or disable PCMU audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecPcmu_Priority}} The priority of the PCMU audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecPcma}} Enable or disable PCMA audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecPcma_Priority}} The priority of the PCMA audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecIlbc}} Enable or disable iLBC audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecIlbc_Priority}} The priority of the iLBC audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecIlbc_15_2_Kbps}} Enable or disable iLBC_15_2 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecIlbc_15_2_Kbps_Priority}} The priority of the iLBC_15_2 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecIlbc_13_33_Kbps}} Enable or disable iLBC_13_33 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecIlbc_13_33_Kbps_Priority}} The priority of the iLBC_13_33 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecG722}} Enable or disable G722 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecG722_Priority}} The priority of the G722 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecG729}} Enable or disable G729 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecG729_Priority}} The priority of the G729 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecG726_32}} Enable or disable G726_32 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecG726_32_Priority}} The priority of the G726_32 audio codec.


Enable or disable Speex audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecSpeex_Priority}} The priority of the Speex audio codec.
{{.AccountAdpcmCodec}} Enable or disable Adpcm audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecAdpcm_Priority}} The priority of the Adpcm audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecMpeg4}} Enable or disable Mpeg4 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecMpeg4_Priority}} The priority of the Mpeg4 audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecGsm}} Enable or disable GSM audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecGsm_Priority}} The priority of the GSM audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecOpus}} Enable or disable Opus audio codec.
{{.AccountCodecOpus_Priority}} The priority of the Opus audio codec.
Video codec(X is the codec priority, X=1, 2, 3 or 4)
{{.AccountVideoCodec_X}} The priority of the video codec.
{{.AccountCodecH264}} Enable or disable H264 codec.
{{.AccountCodecH264_Priority}} The priority of the H264 codec.
{{.AccountCodecH264_Hp}} Enable or disable H264_Hp codec.
{{.AccountCodecH264_Hp_Priority}} The priority of the H264_Hp codec.
{{.AccountCodecH263}} Enable or disable H263 codec.
{{.AccountCodecH263_Priority}} The priority of the H263 codec.
{{.AccountCodecH263_P}} Enable or disable H263_P codec.
{{.AccountCodecH263_P_Priority}} The priority of the H263_P codec.
{{.AccountCodecVp8}} Enable or disable Vp8 codec.
{{.AccountCodecVp8_Priority}} The priority of the Vp8 codec.
Function key (X is the function key ID)
{{.FunctionkeyType_X}} The type of function key.
{{.FunctionkeyType2_X}} The type of function key (for Dynamic VPK).


The subtype of function key.


The extension to which function key applies.
{{.FunctionkeyCodeValue_X}} The feature code of function key.
{{.FunctionkeyValue_X}} The object of function key.

The number where the call can be picked up by function key.

{{.FunctionkeyCodeExtension_X}} The pickup code applied for function key.


The label of function key that is displayed on phone screen.
LDAP Directory (X is the template ID, X=1, 2 or 3)
{{.EnableLdap_X}} Enable LDAP directory.
{{.LdapName_X}} Specify the name of LDAP directory.
{{.LdapMode_X}} Set up the LDAP mode.
{{.LdapHost_X}} The address of LDAP Server.
{{.LdapNameFilter_X}} The LDAP name filter.
{{.LdapNumFilter_X}} The LDAP number filter.
{{.LdapNameAttr_X}} The name attribute returned by LDAP Server.
{{.LdapNumAttr_X}} The number attribute returned by LDAP Server.
{{.LdapDisplayName_X}} The name of the search results displayed on IP phones.
{{.LdapMaxHit_X}} The maximum number of search results to be returned by LDAP Server.
{{.LdapIncomingLookup_X}} Enable or disable IP phone to perform an LDAP search when receiving an incoming call.
{{.LdapDialLookup_X}} Enable or disable IP phone to perform an LDAP search when placing a call.
{{.LdapSort_X}} Enable or disable IP phone to sort out search results in alphabetical and numerical order.
{{.LdapPort_X}} The port of LDAP Server.
{{.LdapBase_X}} The base entry of the LDAP directory.
{{.LdapUser_X}} The user accessing the LDAP Server.
{{.LdapPassword_X}} The password for accessing to the LDAP Server.
{{.KeyAsSend}} Enable or disable Key as Send feature.
{{.SipVoipServerIdx}} The VoIP server template ID.
{{.AdminPassword}} The admin password.
{{.EnbLanSettings}} Enable or disable LAN settings.
{{.Hostname}} The host name.
{{.LanIpAddress}} The primary IP address of LAN port.
{{.LanSubnetMask}} The subnet mask of LAN port.
{{.LanGateway}} The gateway of LAN Port.
{{.LanPrimaryDns}} The primary DNS of LAN port.
{{.LanSecondaryDns}} The secondary DNS of LAN Port.
{{.LanIpAddress2}} The secondary IP address of LAN port.
{{.LanSubnetMask2}} The secondary subnet mask of LAN port.
{{.PppoeUsername}} The user name of PPPoE.
{{.PppoePassword}} The password of PPPoE.
{{.MacAddress}} The MAC address of phone.
Note: Here the value does not need a separator of :. For example, 09139876900e.