
Release Date: February 24, 2022

Improvements and bug fixes

Date and Time
Added time zone of Slovenia Republic.
Emergency Number
Improved emergency notification mechanism.
Assume that extension 1000 is set as emergency notification contact and the Notification Method of Call Extension is selected, when the extension 1000 calls the emergency number, system will automatically omit the notification method of calling the extension in case that the emergency call is interrupted by the notification call.
System Security
Improved the PBX system security.
System Stability
Fixed the system stability issue: All extension registration and calls suddenly failed, pinging the public IP address of Cloud PBX was also failed.
Call Issue
Fixed the call issue that all the inbound and outbound calls on the Cloud PBX failed.
Fixed the extension registration issue: The extension registration failed after a user upgraded the PBX firmware.
Fixed the IVR prompt issue: A user had set up an IVR, but when the caller reached the IVR, the prompt didn't play.
DID Number
Fixed the DID Number issue: After a user changed the DID number, the inbound call couldn't be sent to the desired destination because the system didn't apply the new configuration in time.
Time Condition
Fixed the Time Condition feature code issue: The system assigned the same feature code to different time condition settings, resulting in that inbound calls couldn't be sent to the desired destination according to time condition.
Call Forwarding
Fixed the Call Forwarding setting issue: The No Answer Call Forwarding destination displayed in the extension user web interface was inconsistent with the one assigned by administrator.