
This topic describes the synchronization of check-out between Oracle Hospitality OPERA and Yeastar P-Series Software Edition.

Check-out sync with OPERA PMS

When the hotel receptionist performs check-out in OPERA PMS, Yeastar PBX automatically resets the following records and configurations of the extension associated with the guest room.

Operation Description
Reset Extension
  • Clear the following data:
    • First Name
    • Email address
    • Mobile number
    • Job title
    • Personal contacts
    • Chat history
    • Voicemail message
    • Call recording
    • Call log
    • Video conference
    • Wake-up call
  • Reset Last Name to extension number.
  • Reset extension presence to Available.
  • Reset extension outbound call permission to PROHIBIT outbound calls.
    Note: The extension can still be used for internal calls. If you want to restrict the extension from internal calls, you can add a visibility rule to prevent the extension from viewing other extensions, as Yeastar PBX only allows internal calls with visible extensions.

    To add a visibility rule on PBX web portal, go to Extension and Trunk > Client Permission > Extension Visibility.


In this example, we check out guest "Leo Ball" from Room 1001 in OPERA PMS, then refresh the PBX web page to find the followings:
Note: To see the extension change, you need to manually refresh the PBX web page.
  • The Caller ID Name of Extension 1001 has been updated from Leo Ball to 1001.
  • An indicator is displayed, indicating that outbound calls from the extension is NOT allowed.