
This topic describes the synchronization of check-in between Oracle Hospitality OPERA and Yeastar P-Series Software Edition.

Check-in sync with OPERA PMS

When the hotel receptionist performs check-in in OPERA PMS, Yeastar PBX automatically performs the following operations:

  1. Reset the following records and configurations of the extension associated with the guest room.
    Operation Description
    Reset Extension
    • Clear the following data:
      • Email address
      • Mobile number
      • Job title
      • Personal contacts
      • Chat history
      • Voicemail message
      • Call recording
      • Call log
      • Video conference
      • Wake-up call
    • Reset extension presence to Available.
    • Reset extension outbound call permission to ALLOW outbound calls.
      • Make sure that you have assigned outbound route permission to the room extension.
      • Guest can make and receive internal calls via the room extension. If you want to restrict the extension from internal calls, you can add a visibility rule to prevent the extension from viewing other extensions, as Yeastar PBX only allows internal calls with visible extensions.

        To add a visibility rule on PBX web portal, go to Extension and Trunk > Client Permission > Extension Visibility.

  2. Synchronize the guest name to the room extension.

    The following table shows the mapping of guest name from OPERA PMS to Yeastar PBX:

    Operation Description
    Synchronize Guest Name OPERA PMS Yeastar PBX
    Name Last Name
    First Name First Name


In this example, we check in guest "Leo Ball" to Room 1001 in OPERA PMS, then refresh the PBX web page to find that the Caller ID Name of Extension 1001 has been updated from 1001 to Leo Ball.
  • To see the extension change, you need to manually refresh the PBX web page.
  • Caller ID Name in the extension list consists of First Name and Last Name.