Unreturned Missed Call Report

Unreturned Missed Call report provides a comprehensive overview of all the missed inbound calls, including callback status and details, which helps track missed call activities and follow-up actions. This topic explains how to access and download the report, also explains the key metrics in detail.

Access Unreturned Missed Call Report

  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Reports and Recordings > Call Reports.
  2. In the Report Type drop-down list, select Unreturned Missed Call Report.

  3. Filter data by the following criteria.

    A report that meets the filter criteria is displayed on the page, as shown below.

    To understand each metric, refer to the following tables.

    Metrics for unreturned missed call
    Metric Description
    ID A unique ID for the call.
    Time The time when the call was received.
    Call From The number or the name of the caller.
    Call To The number or the name of the callee.
    Ring Duration

    The time that the callee's phone rang before the call disconnected.

    Call Destination The type of the destination to which the inbound call was routed.
    • Extension
    • Ring Group
    • Queue
    Missed Call Type The type of the missed call.
    • No Answered
    • Abandoned
    • Busy
    Callback Status Whether the missed call was returned or not.
    • Returned
    • Unreturned
    Last Callback Time The last time that the callback was made.
    Metrics for unreturned missed call details (segment details)
    Metric Description
    ID A unique ID for the call.
    Time The time when the call was received.
    Call From The number or the name of the caller.
    Call To The number or the name of the callee.
    Call Duration The time between the call started and the call ended.
    Ring Duration

    The time that the callee's phone rang before the call disconnected.

    Talk Duration The time between the call was answered and the call ended.
    Status Whether the call was answered or not.
    Reason The reason why the call was missed.
    Communication Type The type of the call.
    Metrics for unreturned missed call details (callback details)
    Metric Description
    ID A unique ID for the call.
    Time The time when the call was received.
    Call From The number or the name of the caller.
    Call To The number or the name of the callee.
    Call Duration The time between the call started and the call ended.
    Ring Duration The time that the callee's phone rang before the call was answered or disconnected.
    Talk Duration The time between the call was answered and the call ended.
    Status Whether the call was successful or not.
    Reason The reason why the call ended.
    Communication Type The type of the call.

Download Unreturned Missed Call Report

  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Reports and Recordings > Call Reports.
  2. In the Report Type drop-down list, select Unreturned Missed Call Report.

  3. Filter data by the following criteria.

  4. Download the report according to your needs.
    • To download the current displayed list of the report excluding details, do as follows:

      1. At the top of the list, click Download.
      2. In the drop-down list, select by Current Fields (Only List).
    • To download the current displayed list of the report including details, do as follows:

      1. At the top of the list, click Download.
      2. In the drop-down list, select by Current Fields (Include Details).
    • To download reports with customized display fields, do as follows:
      1. At the top of the list, click Download, then select Select Fields from the drop-down list.

      2. In the pop-up window, select the desired fields which you want to display in the report, and decide whether to include details as needed.

        Note: By default, all fields will be displayed in the report.

      3. Click Download.

      The unreturned missed call report is exported to a CSV file.