Inbound Route Parameters

Descriptions for parameters in imported and exported Inbound Route CSV file.

Parameter Description Importance Restriction Default Value
Name The name of inbound route. Required Space and special characters are not allowed.

Inbound route's name cannot be duplicated.

The maximum character length is 63.

Inbound Alert Info The Alert Info field is used to configure distinctive ring tones for incoming calls. Optional

Only numbers and letters are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

DID Matching Mode The DID matching mode. Optional Permitted value:
  • patterns: DID Patterns
  • pattern_to_ext: DID Pattern to Extensions
  • range_to_ext: DID Range to Extension Range
  • pattern_to_ext_list: DID Number to Specific Extension
Note: DID Matching Mode will be filled with default value patterns if you leave these fields empty.
DID Pattern The DID pattern that is used to match callee number. Only when the callee number is matched will the inbound call go through this route. Required if DID Matching Modepatterns
  • If DID Matching Mode = patterns, you can enter one or more patterns.

    Numbers, letters, and characters [ ] * # ( ) . - + ! are allowed. The maximum character length is 31 (for each DID). Please use & as a separator for multiple patterns, e.g. pattern1&pattern2.

  • If DID Matching Mode = pattern_to_ext, only numbers, letters X Z N, characters [ ] * # - +, and placeholder {{.Ext}} are allowed. The maximum character length is 31.

    The Default Destination must be pattern_to_ext, then fill multiple extension numbers with separator & in Number.

  • If DID Matching Mode = range_to_ext, only numbers and character + (before numbers) are allowed. The maximum character length is 16 (for each DID). Please enter the start DID and the end DID with separator -, e.g. 5503301-5503305.

    The Default Destination must be range_to_ext, then fill the start number and the end number with separator - in Number, e.g. 1001-1005.

Caller ID Matching Mode The Caller ID matching mode. Required Permitted value:
  • patterns: Caller ID Matching Settings
  • phonebook: Match Contacts' Caller ID in Specific Phonebooks
Note: Caller ID Matching Mode will be filled with default value patterns if you leave this fields empty.
Caller ID Pattern The pattern used to match caller ID. Only when the caller ID matches the pattern can user dials in through this route. Optional
  • If Caller ID Matching Mode = patterns, the maximum character length is 31 (for each pattern). Numbers, letters, characters [ ] * # ( ) . - + ! are allowed.

    For multiple patterns, enter patterns and use & as a separator, e.g. pattern1&pattern2.

  • If Caller ID Matching Mode = phonebook, the permitted value is one or more phonebook names existed in PBX.

    For multiple phonebook names, enter names and use & as a separator, e.g. name1&name2.

    If the phonebook you enter does not exist in PBX, it will be skipped.

Trunks The trunks that incoming calls will be routed by this inbound route. The PBX will route inbound calls through this route when external users call the selected trunk number. Required Permitted value: one or more trunk names existed in PBX.
For multiple trunks, please enter trunk names and use & as a separator, e.g. name1&name2.
Note: If the trunks you enter are not existing in PBX, Trunks will be skipped.
Default Destination The default destination to receive inbound calls. Required Permitted value:
  • end_call: Hang up
  • extension: Extension
  • range_to_ext: Match extension Range (DID Matching Mode = range_to_ext)
  • pattern_to_ext: Match selected Extension (DID Matching Mode = pattern_to_ext)
  • pattern_to_ext_list: DID number match specific extension (DID Matching Mode = pattern_to_ext_list)
  • ext_vm: Extension Voicemail
  • group_vm: Group Extension
  • ivr: IVR
  • ring_group: Ring Group
  • queue: Queue
  • conference: Conference
  • fax_to_email: Fax to Email
Note: Default Destination will be filled with default value end_call if you leave these fields empty.
Number of Default Destination The destination number to receive inbound calls. Required if Default Destinationend_call or pattern_to_ext_list Permitted value:
  • If Default Destination = Extension, Extension Email, Group Voicemail, IVR, Ring Group, Queue, Conference, or Fax to Email, please fill in a number.
  • If Default Destination = Match extension Range, please fill in a range of extension, e.g. 1000-1010.

    The maximum number length is 7 (for each number).

  • If Default Destination = Match selected Extension, please fill in numbers or names and use & as a separator, e.g. extension_number1&extension_number2&extension_group_name3.
Note: If the numbers or names you enter are not existing in PBX, Number of Default Destination will be skipped.
Enable Fax Detection Whether to enable or disable FAX detection. Required Permitted value:
  • 0: Disable
  • 1: Enable
Note: Enable Fax Detection will be filled with default value 0 if you leave this field empty.
Fax Destination The destination to receive fax. Required if Enable Fax Detection = 1 Permitted value:
  • end_call: Hang Up
  • extension: Extension
  • fax_to_email: Fax to Email
Note: Fax Destination will be filled with default value extension if you leave this field empty.
Number of Fax Destination The destination number to receive fax. Required if Fax Destinationend_call Permitted value: extension numbers existed in PBX.
  • If Fax Destination = Extension, fax will be sent to extension number.
  • If Fax Destination = Fax to Email, fax will be sent to extension's email address.