Report PBX's IP Blocklist to Yeastar Global Anti-hacking IP Blocklist
Yeastar Global Anti-hacking IP Blocklist is a central database of IP addresses that have been blocked by Yeastar PBX systems worldwide or that are suspected of malicious activity or attack. If you would like to contribute to the IP blocklist, you can share with Yeastar by reporting your system's IP blocklist. Yeastar security team will evaluate and analyze the reported addresses to ensure that only the malicious ones are added to the global blocklist.
- Log in to PBX web portal, go to .
- Click Security Options tab.
- In the Join Global Anti-hacking IP Blocklist Program section, select the checkbox of Report PBX's IP Blocklist.
- Click Save.
Permanent IP Blocklist of the PBX will be reported to Yeastar Global Anti-hacking IP
Blocklist daily.
- Permanent IP Blocklist indicates the IP addresses on
- Block Type: Block IP
- Expiration Date: 12/30/2099 23:59:59
, which meet both of the following requirements: - To avoid legitimate VoIP servers or carriers being blocked, Yeastar security team will evaluate and analyze the IP addresses reported, then add the malicious ones to the global blocklist. The newly added IP addresses will be shared with all the users participating in the Yeastar Global Anti-hacking IP Blocklist Program.