Set up Default SMTP Server as an Email Server

This topic describes how to set up default SMTP server as the email server of Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition.


  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to System > Email > Email Server.
  2. In the Type of Email Server drop-down list, select Built-in SMTP Server.
  3. Test if the email server can successfully send emails.
    1. Click Test.
    2. In the pop-up window, enter a recipient's email address in the Email Address field.
    3. Click Test.


  • If the test email is sent successfully, the page displays "Success" and the recipient's mailbox would receive the email.
  • If the test email is failed to be sent, the page displays "Failed to send" and prompts you an error message. You can check the error in Email Sent Logs.