Customize Visit Notification Template

With the visit notifications enabled, notifications will be sent to the objects when the respective event occurs. Yeastar Workplace provides default templates for each notification, you can also customize these notification templates to meet your needs.


Yeastar Workplace Plan: Standard Plan or Pro Plan


  1. Log in to Yeastar Workplace admin portal, and go to Visit > Visit Preferences.
  2. In the top bar, select the Notification Templates tab.

  3. Click a desired notification to show the notification template and edit the template as needed.

    1. Click the Template drop-down list and select Custom.

    2. In the Subject field, specify a new subject.

    3. In the Content field, edit the notification message.
      Note: It's recommended to include the following variables from the Template Variables to provide the essential information:
      • ${subject}
      • ${arriveTime}
      • ${buildingAddress}
      • ${host}
  4. Click Save.