Set up a Custom MoH Playlist

Music on Hold (MoH) is intended to reassure callers that they are connected to their calls. Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition has a default local audio playlist with built-in MoH files. This topic describes how to set up and use a custom MoH playlist.

Background information

Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition supports two types of MoH playlists:

Playlist Type Description
Local audio MoH playlist

This type of playlist contains a list of audio files that are uploaded to the system, and play back when a caller is placed on hold.

For more information, see Set up a local audio MoH playlist.

Streaming music MoH playlist

This type of playlist contains a URL that is used to connect to a live audio feed from a particular source.

For more information, see Set up a streaming music MoH playlist.

Set up a local audio MoH playlist

The audio files to be uploaded must meet the following requirements:
Item Requirements
File Format .wav, .mp3, or .gsm
  • PCM, 8K, 16bit, 128kbps
  • A-law(g.711), 8k, 8bit, 64kbps
  • u-law(g.711), 8k, 8bit, 64kbps
Tip: If file format does not meet the requirement, you can convert audio files via WavePad or G711 File Converter online.
File Size Up to 8 MB
Item Limitations
Max. local audio MoH playlists 16
Max. audio files in a playlist 8
Step1. Add a local audio MoH playlist
  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to PBX Settings > Voice Prompt > Music on Hold.
  2. Create a new playlist.
    1. Click Create New Playlist.
    2. In the pop-up window, configure the playlist.
      • Playlist Type: Select Local Audio.
      • Playlist Name: Enter a name to help you identify it.
      • Play Order: Decide whether to play the playlist alphabetically or randomly.
    3. Click Save.
  3. Add one or more audio files to the playlist.
    1. Select the created playlist, click .
    2. In the pop-up window, click Upload.
    3. Click Browse to choose the desired audio file, then click Upload.
    4. Optional: To add more audio files, repeat step b-c.

      The uploaded audio files are displayed on the MoH Files list.

  4. Optional: Check sound quality and completeness of the audio files.
    1. On MoH Files page, select the desired audio file, click .
    2. In the pop-up window, set where to play the audio file.
      • In the Play on Web section, click to play the audio file.
      • In the Extension drop-down list, select an extension and click Play.

        PBX will call and play the audio file to the extension.

    3. Click OK.
  5. Click Apply.
Step2. Change the system MoH playlist
  1. Click Prompt Preferences tab.
  2. In the Music on Hold drop-down list, select the desired playlist.
  3. Click Save and Apply.
When a call is put on hold, the system will play audio files in the playlist to the waiting party.

Set up a streaming music MoH playlist

Max. streaming music MoH playlists: 5
Step1. Add a streaming music MoH playlist
  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to PBX Settings > Voice Prompt > Music on Hold.
  2. Create a new playlist.
    1. Click Create New Playlist.
    2. In the pop-up window, configure the playlist.
      • Playlist Type: Select Streaming Music.
      • Playlist Name: Enter a name to help you identify it.
      • Streaming Music URL: Enter the URL of an existing music stream.
    3. Click Save.
  3. Click Apply.
Step2. Change the system MoH playlist
  1. Click Prompt Preferences tab.
  2. In the Music on Hold drop-down list, select the desired playlist.
  3. Click Save and Apply.
When a call is put on hold, the system will play the streaming music from the URL to the waiting party.
Note: If PBX can not access the URL or if there is no available audio in the URL, the system will not play any sound to the waiting party.