Archive Files to SFTP Server

Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition supports archiving the system's call recordings and backup files to SFTP server, either on a regular interval or at any time you want. This topic describes how to add SFTP server as an archive server and schedule tasks to archive the desired files.

Requirements and restrictions

  • PBX Firmware: Version or later
  • PBX Plan: Enterprise Plan (for self-managed phone system) or Ultimate Plan (for Yeastar hosted phone system)
  • Archive server: 10
  • Archive task: 200


Before you begin, you need to prepare the following resources and collect the required information:
  • Prepare an SFTP server and note down its Domain/IP Address and Port.
  • Prepare an SFTP account with both read and write permissions, and note down its Username and Password/Private Key.
    Note: If you want old files to be automatically deleted from your SFTP server, make sure the SFTP account also has file deletion permission.

Step 1. Add SFTP server as archive server

  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to System > Archive.
  2. Under the Archive Task tab, click Archive Server.

  3. Set up SFTP server as the archive server.
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the pop-up window, complete the following settings.

      Setting Description
      Name Enter a name to help you identify the server.
      Server Type Select SFTP.
      FTP Server Domain/IP Enter the address of your SFTP server.
      Port Enter the port on which your SFTP server is running. The default port is 22.
      Username Enter the username for the SFTP account.
      Authentication Method Select an authentication method, then enter the credential.
    3. Click Save.

      SFTP server is added as an archive server and displayed on the archive server list.

  4. Click to close the window.

Step 2. Create a task to archive files to SFTP server

  1. Under Archive Task tab, click Add.
  2. Create a one-time or recurring archive task.

    Setting Description
    Name Enter a name to help you identify the task.
    File Type Select Recording Files or Backup Files as needed.
    Data Range Specify a time range of the files to be archived.
    Note: You can archive files for up to 31 days at a time.
    Sync Frequency Set how often to archive files to SFTP server.
    Note: As large amounts of data will consume PBX's CPU resources, we recommend that you schedule archive tasks during off-peak hours.
    • Once: If you choose the option, the system will archive files immediately after you save the task.
    • Daily: If you choose the option, select a time from the drop-down list. The system will archive files at this time of the day.
    • Weekly: If you choose the option, choose a day of week and select a time from the drop-down list. The system will archive files at this time of the week.
    • Monthly: If you choose the option, choose a day and select a time from the drop-down list. The system will archive files on this day and time of the month.

    File Overwrite Optional. Set the maximum number of files to be retained in the SFTP server for the archive task.
    • This option is available only when you schedule to archive backup files on a recurring basis.
    • When it reaches the limit, the system will retain the latest backup files and delete the earlier ones.
    Archive Server Select the SFTP server that you have added.
    Select Folder/Path Optional. Set the path to the folder in which you want to store archived files. For example, pbx/backup/.
    Note: If you leave this field blank, the files will be stored under the root directory.
  3. Click Save.


The specified files will be archived to the designated folder in your SFTP server immediately or at the scheduled time.

Note: The system executes only one task at a time to avoid affecting system performance. If there are multiple tasks, they will be queued up one after another.

You can check the archive result in the following ways.

Check the archive result on PBX
On PBX web portal, go to System > Archive > Archival Logs. If the Result column of the task shows Succeeded, it indicates that the specified files have been successfully archived to SFTP server.

Note: If the task is failed, the Failed to Archive File(s) event will be triggered; You can click to retry the task.

Check the archive result on SFTP server
Go to the designated folder in SFTP server. If the specified files appear in the list, it indicates that the archive is successful.