Odoo CRM Integration Overview
Yeastar P-Series Software Edition supports the integration with Odoo CRM, which allows your Odoo users to get all the call details right in their CRM entries while keeping the voice traffic in Yeastar P-Series Software Edition. This topic describes the requirements, key features, and terminologies related with the integration.
- Odoo
- Hosting type: Odoo Online
- Edition: Odoo Enterprise
- Version: Odoo 14.0 or later
- PBX server
Key features
The integration of Yeastar P-Series Software Edition and Odoo CRM provides the following
key features:
- Click to Call
Users can launch calls by a single click on the detected numbers from Odoo CRM via Yeastar Linkus Web Client.Note: This feature requires users to install 'Yeastar Linkus for Google' Chrome extension and set up Linkus Web Client to work with the Chrome extension.
- Call Popup
- Automatically bring up the contact's profile on the web browser when users (with their Linkus Web Client or Linkus Desktop Client logged in) receive / answer an inbound call from a CRM contact, or finish a call with a CRM contact.
- Call Journal
- All the call activities get logged automatically to Odoo CRM when a user ends calls with CRM contacts.
- Contact Synchronization
- Synchronize CRM contacts to an associated PBX phonebook when the associated extensions receive inbound calls from Odoo CRM contacts.
- Automatic Contact Creation
- A new contact or lead will automatically be created in Odoo CRM for unknown inbound calls or outbound calls.
The following table lists the terminologies of
Odoo CRM integration.
Term | Description |
Odoo Administrator | The administrator account that created the database where Odoo CRM is installed. |
PBX Extension | The extension number for internal staffs. The staffs can register the extension on a phone or on Linkus Clients, and use the extension to make and receive calls. |
Odoo Lead | The potential customers or unqualified sales opportunities recorded in your database. A lead is an additional stage before an opportunity that salespersons can follow up on and convert it into a new opportunity. |
Odoo Individual | A type of contact recorded in your database. When integrating Odoo CRM with PBX, individuals refer to the external contacts. |
Odoo Company | A type of contact recorded in your database. When integrating Odoo CRM with PBX, companies refer to the external contacts. |