Upgrade Linkus Mobile Client

When a new version is released, Linkus Mobile Client will show you a pop-up window, where you can find out what's new in the latest version. The pop-up window will be shown once a day till Linkus is upgraded. You can upgrade to the new version immediately or later. If you choose to upgrade later, you can follow the instructions in this topic to upgrade Linkus anytime you want.

Note: This topic is only for Linkus Android Client. For Linkus iOS Client, you can download from App Store.


  1. At the top-left corner of Linkus, tap your account.
  2. Go to Settings > About > Upgrade.

    A window pops up to show you what's new in the latest version.

  3. Tap Update Now.

    The new installation package is being downloaded.

  4. Install the installation package.

    When the installation is completed, Linkus is upgraded successfully.