Export and Import Trunk DIDs/DDIs Numbers
Trunk DIDs/DDIs numbers configured on Yeastar P-Series PBX System can be exported and saved as a template. You can fill in desired DIDs/DDIs numbers in the exported file, and import the file to PBX again. This topic describes how to export and import DIDs/DDIs numbers.
Background information
The following types of trunks support DIDs/DDIs numbers:
- E1/T1/J1
- FXO trunk and GSM/3G/4G LTE trunk have no DID numbers.
- Only P550, P560, and P570 support E1/T1/J1 trunk.
Export all DIDs/DDIs numbers
You can export all DIDs/DDIs numbers to a CSV file, and then make additions, removals, and changes to the file.
- Log in to PBX web portal, go to , edit a desired trunk.
- In the DIDs/DDIs tab, click
A CSV file is saved to your computer. To check and edit parameters in the CSV file, see Trunk DIDs/DDIs Parameters.
Import DIDs/DDIs numbers
We recommend that you export DIDs/DDIs numbers to a CSV file first, and use the file as a template to start with. In this way, you can save time and effort.
- Prerequisites
- Requirements of an imported file:
- Format: UTF-8.CSV
- Size: Less than 5 MB
- File name: Less than 127 characters
- Import parameters: Ensure that the import parameters meet requirements. For more information , see Trunk DIDs/DDIs Parameters.
- Procedure
- Log in to PBX web portal, go to , edit a desired trunk.
- In the DIDs/DDIs tab, click Import.
- In the pop-up window, click Browse, and select your CSV file.
- Click Import.
The DIDs/DDIs numbers in the CSV file will be displayed in the DIDs/DDIs list.