Query Information of an Extension

Query the detailed information of an extension.

Request URL

GET {base_url}/{api_path}/extension/get?access_token={access_token}

Request parameters

Table 1.
Parameter Required Type Description
id Yes Integer The unique ID of an extension.
Note: You can query extension's ID using Search Specific Extensions.

Response parameters

Table 2.
Parameter Type Description
errcode Integer Returned error code.
  • 0: Succeed.
  • Non-zero value: Failed.
Note: You can check the error code and error message in Error Code and Error Message.
errmsg String Returned message.
  • SUCCESS: Succeed.
  • FAILURE: Failed.
data Object <Ext_DetailInfo> The detailed information of an extension.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer Extension ID.
type String Extension type.
  • SIP: SIP extension
first_name String First name.
last_name String Last name.
email_addr String Email address.
mobile_number String Mobile number.
organization_list Array <Organization_Info> The organization(s) to which the extension belongs.
role_id Integer The ID of the user role.
title String The job title of the extension user.
number String Extension number.
caller_id String Caller ID.
reg_name String Registration name.
reg_password String Registration password.
concurrent_registrations Integer SIP endpoint concurrent registrations.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
presence_status String The current presence status of the extension.
  • available: Available
  • away: Away
  • business_trip: Business Trip
  • do_not_disturb: Do Not Disturb (DND)
  • lunch: Lunch Break
  • off_work: Off Work
presence_list Array <Presence_Setting> The list of the presence settings.
agent_id String

The agent ID that will be announced in the greeting prompt to callers when their inbound calls are answered by queue agent.

By default, the extension number will be announced.

enb_vm Integer Whether the voicemail is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
enb_vm_pin Integer Whether the voicemail PIN authentication is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
vm_pin String The PIN code to access voicemail.
vm_lang String The system prompt language used by the extension's voicemail.
  • follow_system: The default system prompt language.
  • sound-ar: العربية (Arabic)
  • sound-cz: Čeština(Czech)
  • sound-de: Deutsch (German)
  • sound-en: English
  • sound-en_BR: English (British)
  • sound-es: Español/Castellano (Spanish Spain)
  • sound-es_LT: Español latino (Spanish Latin)
  • sound-fa: فارسی (Persian)
  • sound-fr: Française (French)
  • sound-gr: Ελληνικά (Greek)
  • sound-hr: hrvatski (Croatian)
  • sound-id: Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
  • sound-it: Italiano (Italian)
  • sound-iw: עברית (Hebrew)
  • sound-nl: Nederlands (Dutch)
  • sound-pl: Polski (Polish)
  • sound-pt: Português (Portuguese)
  • sound-pt_BR: Português Brasil (Portuguese Brazil)
  • sound-ro: Română (Romanian)
  • sound-ru: Pусский (Russian)
  • sound-sk: Slovenčina(Slovak)
  • sound-sl: Slovenščina (Slovenian)
  • sound-sr: Cрпски (Serbian)
  • sound-th: ไทย (Thai)
  • sound-tr: Türk (Turkish)
  • sound-zh: 中文 (Chinese)
  • sound-zh_hk: 粤语 (Cantonese)
new_vm_notification String Whether the extension user will be notified when receiving a new voicemail message, and how to notify.
  • no: Do not send email notifications.
  • with_attach: Send a notification email with the new voicemail message attached as a .wav file.
  • without_attach: Send a notification email without attaching the new voicemail message.
vm_after_notification String How to deal with the voicemail message after sending an email to notify the extension.
  • no: Keep the voicemail message in mailbox as unread.
  • mark_read: Keep the voicemail message in mailbox as read.
  • delete: Delete the voicemail message.
enb_all_reject_mode_for_endpoints Integer Whether other endpoints will stop ringing when the incoming call is rejected on one of the endpoints (with the extension registered).
  • 0: Disabled. When an incoming call is rejected on one endpoint, other endpoints still ring.
  • 1: Enabled. When an incoming call is rejected on one endpoint, other endpoints will stop ringing.
dtmf_mode String DTMF mode.
  • rfc4733: RFC4733 (RFC2833)
  • info: Info
  • inband: Inband
  • auto: Auto
transport String Transport protocol.
  • udp: UDP protocol
  • tcp: TCP protocol
  • tls: TLS protocol
enb_qualify Integer Whether the Qualify is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
enb_t38_support Integer Whether the T.38 fax is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
enb_nat Integer Whether the NAT is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
enb_srtp Integer Whether the SRTP is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
allow_reg_remotely Integer Whether the remote registration is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
disable_outb_call Integer Whether outbound call is allowed.
  • 0: Allow to make outbound calls.
  • 1: NOT allowed to make outbound calls.
disable_outb_call_outside_business_hours Integer

Whether outbound call outside Business Hours is allowed.

  • 0: Allow to make outbound calls outside Business Hours.
  • 1: NOT allowed to make outbound calls outside Business Hours.
disable_international_call Integer Whether international call is allowed.
  • 0: Allow to make international calls.
  • 1: NOT allowed to make international calls.
outbound_route_permission Array <Integer> The unique ID(s) of outbound route(s) that the extension is allowed to use.
enb_mobile_client Integer Whether the Linkus Mobile Client is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
enb_web_client Integer Whether the Linkus Web Client is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
enb_desktop_client Integer Whether the Linkus Desktop Client is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
enb_pad_client Integer Whether the Linkus Pad Client (SDK) is enabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
enb_internal_client Integer Reserved.
linkus_mobile_codec String Codec for Linkus Mobile Client.
  • ulaw
  • alaw
  • ilbc
  • g722
  • g729
  • opus
enb_ice String Whether ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) is enabled for Linkus Mobile Client.
  • yes: ICE enabled.
  • no: ICE disabled.
Table 3.
Parameter Type Description
text String The name of the organization to which the extension belongs.
value String The unique ID of the organization.
Parameter Type Description
status String Extension presence.
  • available: Available
  • away: Away
  • business_trip: Business Trip
  • do_not_disturb: Do Not Disturb (DND)
  • lunch: Lunch Break
  • off_work: Off Work
enb_in_always_forward Integer Whether internal incoming calls will always be forwarded to a specific destination (Always condition).
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
in_always_forward_dest String The destination type for internal call forwarding in Always condition.
  • extension: Extension
  • ext_vm: Extension Voicemail
  • ivr: IVR
  • ring_group: Ring Group
  • queue: Queue
  • group_vm: Group Voicemail
  • mobile_number: Mobile Number
  • external_num: External Number
  • play_greeting: Play Greeting then Hang up
  • end_call: Hang Up
in_always_forward_prefix String The parameter returns different values depending on the destination type for internal call forwarding in Always condition.
  • When the destination type is mobile_number or external_num, the parameter returns the dial-out prefix of the external destination number.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, the parameter returns the play count of the greeting.
in_always_forward_value String The destination for internal call forwarding in Always condition.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, this parameter returns the custom prompt file name. E.g. demo.wav.
  • When the destination type is extension, ivr, ring_group, queue, or group_vm, this parameter returns the unique ID of the destination.

    For example, the destination is the extension 2002, then this parameter returns the extension ID 2.

in_always_forward_num String The external number of the external_num destination for internal call forwarding in Always condition.
enb_in_no_answer_forward Integer Whether internal incoming calls will be forwarded to a specific destination when the calls are not answered (No Answer condition).
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
in_no_answer_forward_dest String The destination type for internal call forwarding in No Answer condition.
  • extension: Extension
  • ext_vm: Extension Voicemail
  • ivr: IVR
  • ring_group: Ring Group
  • queue: Queue
  • group_vm: Group Voicemail
  • mobile_number: Mobile Number
  • external_num: External Number
  • play_greeting: Play Greeting then Hang up
  • end_call: Hang Up
in_no_answer_forward_prefix String The parameter returns different values depending on the destination type for internal call forwarding in No Answer condition.
  • When the destination type is mobile_number or external_num, the parameter returns the dial-out prefix of the external destination number.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, the parameter returns the play count of the greeting.
in_no_answer_forward_value String The destination for internal call forwarding in No Answer condition.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, this parameter returns the custom prompt file name. E.g. demo.wav.
  • When the destination type is extension, ivr, ring_group, queue, or group_vm, this parameter returns the unique ID of the destination.

    For example, the destination is the extension 2002, then this parameter returns the extension ID 2.

in_no_answer_forward_num String The external number of the external_num destination for internal call forwarding in No Answer condition.
enb_in_busy_forward Integer Whether internal incoming calls will be forwarded to a specific destination when the extension is busy (Busy condition).
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
in_busy_forward_dest String The destination type for internal call forwarding in Busy condition.
  • extension: Extension
  • ext_vm: Extension Voicemail
  • ivr: IVR
  • ring_group: Ring Group
  • queue: Queue
  • group_vm: Group Voicemail
  • mobile_number: Mobile Number
  • external_num: External Number
  • play_greeting: Play Greeting then Hang up
  • end_call: Hang Up
in_busy_forward_prefix String The parameter returns different values depending on the destination type for internal call forwarding in Busy condition.
  • When the destination type is mobile_number or external_num, the parameter returns the dial-out prefix of the external destination number.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, the parameter returns the play count of the greeting.
in_busy_forward_value String The destination for internal call forwarding in Busy condition.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, this parameter returns the custom prompt file name. E.g. demo.wav.
  • When the destination type is extension, ivr, ring_group, queue, or group_vm, this parameter returns the unique ID of the destination.

    For example, the destination is the extension 2002, then this parameter returns the extension ID 2.

in_busy_forward_num String The external number of the external_num destination for internal call forwarding in Busy condition.
enb_ex_always_forward Integer Whether external incoming calls will always be forwarded to a specific destination (Always condition).
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
ex_always_forward_dest String The destination type for external call forwarding in Always condition.
  • extension: Extension
  • ext_vm: Extension Voicemail
  • ivr: IVR
  • ring_group: Ring Group
  • queue: Queue
  • group_vm: Group Voicemail
  • mobile_number: Mobile Number
  • external_num: External Number
  • play_greeting: Play Greeting then Hang up
  • end_call: Hang Up
ex_always_forward_prefix String The parameter returns different values depending on the destination type for external call forwarding in Always condition.
  • When the destination type is mobile_number or external_num, the parameter returns the dial-out prefix of the external destination number.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, the parameter returns the play count of the greeting.
ex_always_forward_value String The destination for external call forwarding in Always condition.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, this parameter returns the custom prompt file name. E.g. demo.wav.
  • When the destination type is extension, ivr, ring_group, queue, or group_vm, this parameter returns the unique ID of the destination.

    For example, the destination is the extension 2002, then this parameter returns the extension ID 2.

ex_always_forward_num String The external number of the external_num destination for external call forwarding in Always condition.
enb_ex_no_answer_forward Integer Whether external incoming calls will be forwarded to a specific destination when the calls are not answered (No Answer condition).
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
ex_no_answer_forward_dest String The destination type for external call forwarding in No Answer condition.
  • extension: Extension
  • ext_vm: Extension Voicemail
  • ivr: IVR
  • ring_group: Ring Group
  • queue: Queue
  • group_vm: Group Voicemail
  • mobile_number: Mobile Number
  • external_num: External Number
  • play_greeting: Play Greeting then Hang up
  • end_call: Hang Up
ex_no_answer_forward_prefix String The parameter returns different values depending on the destination type for external call forwarding in No Answer condition.
  • When the destination type is mobile_number or external_num, the parameter returns the dial-out prefix of the external destination number.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, the parameter returns the play count of the greeting.
ex_no_answer_forward_value String The destination for external call forwarding in No Answer condition.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, this parameter returns the custom prompt file name. E.g. demo.wav.
  • When the destination type is extension, ivr, ring_group, queue, or group_vm, this parameter returns the unique ID of the destination.

    For example, the destination is the extension 2002, then this parameter returns the extension ID 2.

ex_no_answer_forward_num String The external number of the external_num destination for external call forwarding in No Answer condition.
enb_ex_busy_forward Integer Whether external incoming calls will be forwarded to a specific destination when the extension is busy (Busy condition).
ex_busy_forward_dest String The destination type for external call forwarding in Busy condition.
  • extension: Extension
  • ext_vm: Extension Voicemail
  • ivr: IVR
  • ring_group: Ring Group
  • queue: Queue
  • group_vm: Group Voicemail
  • mobile_number: Mobile Number
  • external_num: External Number
  • play_greeting: Play Greeting then Hang up
  • end_call: Hang Up
ex_busy_forward_prefix String The parameter returns different values depending on the destination type for external call forwarding in Busy condition.
  • When the destination type is mobile_number or external_num, the parameter returns the dial-out prefix of the external destination number.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, the parameter returns the play count of the greeting.
ex_busy_forward_value String The destination for external call forwarding in Busy condition.
  • When the destination type is play_greeting, this parameter returns the custom prompt file name. E.g. demo.wav.
  • When the destination type is extension, ivr, ring_group, queue, or group_vm, this parameter returns the unique ID of the destination.

    For example, the destination is the extension 2002, then this parameter returns the extension ID 2.

ex_busy_forward_num String The external number of the external_num destination for external call forwarding in Busy condition.
ring_timeout Integer The ringing timeout for incoming calls (Unit: Second).
enb_ring_mobile Integer Whether the mobile phone will ring simultaneously when the extension rings.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
mobile_prefix String The dial-out prefix of the mobile number for the "Ring the Mobile Number Simultaneously" feature.
mobile_number String Mobile number.


Request example

Query the detailed information of extension (ID: 39).

GET /openapi/v1.0/extension/get?id=39&access_token=q0GyBcsgO8FsXWxPpzAJVW33vd0OpnUz 

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {
        "id": 39,
        "first_name": "Leo",
        "last_name": "Ball",
        "email_addr": "leo@sample.com",
        "mobile_number": "15880123456",
        "role_id": 1,
        "caller_id": "2000",
        "title": "",
        "reg_name": "2000",
        "reg_password": "",
        "concurrent_registrations": 1,
        "type": "SIP",
        "number": "2000",
        "dtmf_mode": "rfc4733",
        "enb_nat": 1,
        "enb_qualify": 1,
        "enb_srtp": 0,
        "enb_t38_support": 0,
        "transport": "udp",
        "enb_vm": 1,
        "enb_vm_pin": 1,
        "vm_pin": "6666",
        "vm_lang": "sound-zh",
        "new_vm_notification": "with_attach",
        "vm_after_notification": "delete",
        "allow_reg_remotely": 1,
        "disable_international_call": 0,
        "disable_outb_call_outside_business_hours": 0,
        "disable_outb_call": 0,
        "enb_mobile_client": 1,
        "enb_desktop_client": 1,
        "enb_web_client": 1,
        "enb_pad_client": 1,
        "enb_internal_client": 0,
        "presence_status": "available",
        "agent_id": "5630",
        "presence_list": [
                "status": "available",
                "enb_in_always_forward": 0,
                "in_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_always_forward_value": "",
                "in_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "in_no_answer_forward_dest": "extension",
                "in_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_no_answer_forward_value": "2",
                "in_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_busy_forward": 1,
                "in_busy_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_busy_forward_value": "",
                "in_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_always_forward": 0,
                "ex_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_always_forward_value": "",
                "ex_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "ex_no_answer_forward_dest": "ivr",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_value": "1",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_busy_forward": 1,
                "ex_busy_forward_dest": "end_call",
                "ex_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_busy_forward_value": "",
                "ex_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ring_mobile": 1,
                "mobile_prefix": "",
                "mobile_number": "123123123",
                "ring_timeout": 30
                "status": "away",
                "enb_in_always_forward": 0,
                "in_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_always_forward_value": "",
                "in_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "in_no_answer_forward_dest": "ring_group",
                "in_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_no_answer_forward_value": "1",
                "in_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_busy_forward": 1,
                "in_busy_forward_dest": "queue",
                "in_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_busy_forward_value": "1",
                "in_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_always_forward": 0,
                "ex_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_always_forward_value": "",
                "ex_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "ex_no_answer_forward_dest": "group_vm",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_value": "1",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_busy_forward": 1,
                "ex_busy_forward_dest": "play_greeting",
                "ex_busy_forward_prefix": "5",
                "ex_busy_forward_value": "demo.wav",
                "ex_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ring_mobile": 0,
                "mobile_prefix": "",
                "mobile_number": "123123123",
                "ring_timeout": 30
                "status": "business_trip",
                "enb_in_always_forward": 0,
                "in_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_always_forward_value": "",
                "in_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "in_no_answer_forward_dest": "mobile_number",
                "in_no_answer_forward_prefix": "123",
                "in_no_answer_forward_value": "",
                "in_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_busy_forward": 1,
                "in_busy_forward_dest": "external_num",
                "in_busy_forward_prefix": "543",
                "in_busy_forward_value": "",
                "in_busy_forward_num": "5235235235",
                "enb_ex_always_forward": 0,
                "ex_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_always_forward_value": "",
                "ex_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "ex_no_answer_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_value": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_busy_forward": 1,
                "ex_busy_forward_dest": "group_vm",
                "ex_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_busy_forward_value": "1",
                "ex_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ring_mobile": 0,
                "mobile_prefix": "",
                "mobile_number": "123123123",
                "ring_timeout": 30
                "status": "do_not_disturb",
                "enb_in_always_forward": 1,
                "in_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_always_forward_value": "",
                "in_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "in_no_answer_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_no_answer_forward_value": "",
                "in_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_busy_forward": 1,
                "in_busy_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_busy_forward_value": "",
                "in_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_always_forward": 1,
                "ex_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_always_forward_value": "",
                "ex_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "ex_no_answer_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_value": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_busy_forward": 1,
                "ex_busy_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_busy_forward_value": "",
                "ex_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ring_mobile": 0,
                "mobile_prefix": "",
                "mobile_number": "123123123",
                "ring_timeout": 30
                "status": "lunch",
                "enb_in_always_forward": 0,
                "in_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_always_forward_value": "",
                "in_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "in_no_answer_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_no_answer_forward_value": "",
                "in_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_busy_forward": 1,
                "in_busy_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_busy_forward_value": "",
                "in_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_always_forward": 0,
                "ex_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_always_forward_value": "",
                "ex_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "ex_no_answer_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_value": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_busy_forward": 1,
                "ex_busy_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_busy_forward_value": "",
                "ex_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ring_mobile": 0,
                "mobile_prefix": "",
                "mobile_number": "123123123",
                "ring_timeout": 30
                "status": "off_work",
                "enb_in_always_forward": 0,
                "in_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_always_forward_value": "",
                "in_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "in_no_answer_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_no_answer_forward_value": "",
                "in_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_in_busy_forward": 1,
                "in_busy_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "in_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "in_busy_forward_value": "",
                "in_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_always_forward": 0,
                "ex_always_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_always_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_always_forward_value": "",
                "ex_always_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_no_answer_forward": 1,
                "ex_no_answer_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_value": "",
                "ex_no_answer_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ex_busy_forward": 1,
                "ex_busy_forward_dest": "ext_vm",
                "ex_busy_forward_prefix": "",
                "ex_busy_forward_value": "",
                "ex_busy_forward_num": "",
                "enb_ring_mobile": 0,
                "mobile_prefix": "",
                "mobile_number": "123123123",
                "ring_timeout": 30
        "enb_all_reject_mode_for_endpoints": 1,
        "linkus_mobile_codec": "g729",
        "enb_ice": "no"