Error Code and Error Message
Error Code | Error Message | Description |
-2 | INTERNAL SERVER ERROR | Internal server error. |
-1 | FAILURE | API request fail. |
0 | SUCCESS | API request success. |
1 | PARTIAL SUCCESS | API request partially success. |
2 | PROCESSING | The request is in progressing. |
10001 | INTERFACE NOT EXISTED | The interface does not exist. |
10002 | API VERSION OUT OF MAINTENANCE | The API version is out of maintenance. |
10003 | API VERSION UNSUPPORTED | The API version is not supported. |
10004 | TOKEN EXPIRED | The access token or web session is time out. |
10005 | ACCESS DENIED | No access permission. |
40001 | PARAMETER SYNTAX ERROR | Wrong parameter syntax. |
40002 | PARAMETER ERROR | Invalid parameter. Example Scenario: The root directory of organization is inoperable; No data can be deleted; The position can not be changed, etc. |
40003 | DUPLICATE KEY VALUE | Duplicated parameter value. |
40004 | FILE SIZE EXCEEDED | The size of the uploaded or imported file exceeds the limit. |
60001 | DATA NOT FOUND | The data does not exist. |
60002 | MAX LIMITATION EXCEEDED | Creating operation fails as the existing quantity has reached the
limit. Example Scenario: The number sub-organization has reached the limit. |
60101 | ROLE NOT EXISTED | The role does not exist. |
70004 | ACCOUNT IP BLOCKED | The IP address has been blocked. |
70082 | OVERLOAD_TASK_RUNNING | An overload task is running. |
70084 | ACTION FORBIDDEN | The action is forbidden. |
70087 | IP FORBIDDEN | The request IP is forbidden. |
70091 | CONNECTION_RELATION_EXISTED | The item has relation connection with other existing
items. Example scenario: When deleting a company contact, this error means that the contact has been selected in a phonebook. |
70093 | PHONEBOOK_NOT_EXISTED | The phonebook does not exist. |
70106 | RATE_NOT_EXISTED | The rate does not exist. |
70120 | ORGANIZATION DISABLED | Operation fails as the organization is disabled. |
70123 | API UNAVAILABLE | API feature is unavailable. |
70128 | CONTACTS_NOT_EXISTED | The contact does not exist. |
70130 | CAHNNEL ID NOT FOUND | The call channel ID does not exist. |
70132 | OPERATION NOT SUPPORTED | The channel operation is not supported. |
70510 | MAX PARTICIPANTS EXCEEDED | The number of participants in an audio conference has reached the limit. |
70516 | WAKEUP CALL ALARM NOT EXISTED | The alarm does not exist. |
70524 | CAN'T CHECKOUT WHEN PMS CHECKIN | Check-out operation could not be performed through this interface when the system is integrated with PMS. |
70525 | CAN'T OPERATE WITH PMS CONNECT | Operation through this interface is NOT allowed when the system is integrated with PMS. |
70537 | RESPONSE_ERRCODE_DEST_NOT_EXISTED | The destination does not exist. |
70536 | RESPONSE_ERRCODE_LANGUAGE_NOT_EXISTED | The language does not exist. |
70539 | RESPONSE_ERRCODE_IVR_ADVANCED_SETTING_FORBID | Operation through this interface is NOT allowed when the advanced setting of the IVR is enabled. |
70542 | PROMPT NOT EXISTED | The system prompt language doesn't exist in the PBX. |