Error Code and Error Message

Table 1.
Error Code Error Message Description
-2 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Internal server error.
-1 FAILURE API request fail.
0 SUCCESS API request success.
1 PARTIAL SUCCESS API request partially success.
2 PROCESSING The request is in progressing.
10001 INTERFACE NOT EXISTED The interface does not exist.
10002 API VERSION OUT OF MAINTENANCE The API version is out of maintenance.
10003 API VERSION UNSUPPORTED The API version is not supported.
10004 TOKEN EXPIRED The access token or web session is time out.
10005 ACCESS DENIED No access permission.
40001 PARAMETER SYNTAX ERROR Wrong parameter syntax.
40002 PARAMETER ERROR Invalid parameter.

Example Scenario: The root directory of organization is inoperable; No data can be deleted; The position can not be changed, etc.

40003 DUPLICATE KEY VALUE Duplicated parameter value.
40004 FILE SIZE EXCEEDED The size of the uploaded or imported file exceeds the limit.
60001 DATA NOT FOUND The data does not exist.
60002 MAX LIMITATION EXCEEDED Creating operation fails as the existing quantity has reached the limit.

Example Scenario: The number sub-organization has reached the limit.

60101 ROLE NOT EXISTED The role does not exist.
70004 ACCOUNT IP BLOCKED The IP address has been blocked.
70082 OVERLOAD_TASK_RUNNING An overload task is running.
70084 ACTION FORBIDDEN The action is forbidden.
70087 IP FORBIDDEN The request IP is forbidden.
70091 CONNECTION_RELATION_EXISTED The item has relation connection with other existing items.

Example scenario: When deleting a company contact, this error means that the contact has been selected in a phonebook.

70093 PHONEBOOK_NOT_EXISTED The phonebook does not exist.
70106 RATE_NOT_EXISTED The rate does not exist.
70120 ORGANIZATION DISABLED Operation fails as the organization is disabled.
70123 API UNAVAILABLE API feature is unavailable.
70128 CONTACTS_NOT_EXISTED The contact does not exist.
70130 CAHNNEL ID NOT FOUND The call channel ID does not exist.
70132 OPERATION NOT SUPPORTED The channel operation is not supported.
70510 MAX PARTICIPANTS EXCEEDED The number of participants in an audio conference has reached the limit.
70516 WAKEUP CALL ALARM NOT EXISTED The alarm does not exist.
70524 CAN'T CHECKOUT WHEN PMS CHECKIN Check-out operation could not be performed through this interface when the system is integrated with PMS.
70525 CAN'T OPERATE WITH PMS CONNECT Operation through this interface is NOT allowed when the system is integrated with PMS.
70537 RESPONSE_ERRCODE_DEST_NOT_EXISTED The destination does not exist.
70536 RESPONSE_ERRCODE_LANGUAGE_NOT_EXISTED The language does not exist.
70539 RESPONSE_ERRCODE_IVR_ADVANCED_SETTING_FORBID Operation through this interface is NOT allowed when the advanced setting of the IVR is enabled.
70542 PROMPT NOT EXISTED The system prompt language doesn't exist in the PBX.