Query Information of an Alarm

Query an extension's alarm information.

Request URL

GET {base_url}/{api_path}/wakeupcall/get?access_token={access_token}

Request parameters

Table 1.
Parameter Required Type Description
ext_id Yes Integer The unique ID of an extension.
Note: You can query extension's ID using Search Specific Extensions.

Response parameters

Table 2.
Parameter Type Description
errcode Integer Returned error code.
  • 0: Succeed.
  • Non-zero value: Failed.
Note: You can check the error code and error message in Error Code and Error Message.
errmsg String Returned message.
  • SUCCESS: Succeed.
  • FAILURE: Failed.
data Array <Wakeup_Info> Alarm list.
Table 3.
Parameter Type Description
ext_id Integer The unique ID of the extension.
wakeup_call Array <Extension_Wakeup> The alarm information of the extension.
Table 4.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The unique ID of an alarm.
alarm_time String Alarm time.
repeat_type String How often will the alarm be repeated.
number_of_snoozes Integer How many times will the alarm be repeated.
snooze_duration Integer The interval in minutes between each repeat.
alarm_prompt String The name of alarm prompt.


Request example

GET /openapi/v1.0/wakeupcall/get?ext_id=39&access_token=ojPrvnfzPdwc8OCcRmhG16gEHuZcwFco HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {
        "ext_id": 39,
        "wakeup_call": [
                "id": 19,
                "alarm_time": "09:30",
                "repeat_type": "never",
                "number_of_snoozes": 3,
                "snooze_duration": 5,
                "alarm_prompt": "alarm_prompt"
                "id": 21,
                "alarm_time": "07:00",
                "repeat_type": "never",
                "number_of_snoozes": 2,
                "snooze_duration": 1,
                "alarm_prompt": "alarm_prompt"