View Outbound Caller ID

This topic describes how to view Outbound Caller ID.

Background information

System administrator has set up a trunk "Outbound_US" with common Outbound Caller ID "90001". When you make outbound calls via trunk "Outbound_US", "90001" will be displayed on the callees' phone.

If you are in close connection with customers (eg. a technical support responsible for resolving issues), system administrator may set up a specific outbound caller ID number (eg. 0592-5503301) and a specific outbound caller ID name (eg. Yeastar Support) for you. In this way, customers can verify the identity of caller when receiving incoming calls.

You can check your own outbound caller ID number and outbound caller ID name on Linkus Web Client.
Note: To set another outbound caller ID (number and name), contact system administrator.


  1. Log in to Linkus Web Client.
  2. Go to Preferences > User > Outbound Caller ID (DOD) > Outbound Caller IDs.


The Outbound Caller IDs list displays the outbound caller ID number, outbound caller ID name, and associated trunk that system administrator has configured for you.

When you make outbound calls via the trunk, the distinctive outbound caller ID will be displayed on the callees' phone.

In this scenario, the callees' phone will display "Yeastar Support <0592-5503301>".