Call Center Reports Overview
Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition provides a set of predefined reports concerning detailed information about call center performance. This topic describes what you can do with call center report, and the report types.
What you can do with call center reports
The system automatically generates reports in the format of graphs or charts, and helps you to simplify analysis and extract invaluable data with ease. These reports can be historical and real-time. You can view and schedule reports on demand to evaluate past activities and plan future actions.
Reports types
We divide reports into two categories: queue performance and agent performance.
- Queue performance reports: The queue performance reports give you insight into the work efficiency of one or more queues over a period of time, and help you evaluate the performance of each queue.
- Agent performance reports: The agent performance reports give you insight into the performance of one or more agents, and help you evaluate if every agent meets the expectations of your call center over a period of time.