Enable Yeastar Live Chat on Wix Website

After you obtain the code snippet for Yeastar Live Chat, you can paste the code to your Wix website's source code before the /body tag. When done, a live chat widget appears at the bottom-right corner of the website, enabling website visitors to have a real-time conversation with your agents.

Note: You can also add the chat widget using Wix Editor. For more information, see Wix Editor: Embedding a Site or a Widget.


You have obtained the code snippet for Yeastar Live Chat.


  1. Log in to your Wix account, then go to Settings.
  2. On Settings page, scroll down to the ADVANCED section, then click Custom code.

  3. At the top-right corner, click Add Custom Code.
  4. In the pop-up window, complete the following settings, then click Apply.
    • Paste the code snippet here: Paste the code snippet for the live chat widget.
    • Name: Enter a name to help you identify the code.
    • Add Code to Pages: Set the page(s) to which you want to add the code snippet.
    • Place Code in: Select Body - end.


Access your Wix website, you will find the live chat widget is added to the bottom-right corner of your website.