Live Chat Integration Guide

By integrating Live Chat and Yeastar P-Series PBX System, your website visitors can call or chat with your agents in just one click, while agents in your business can centrally handle all customer conversations on Linkus UC Clients.


Easy website integration
Embed a live chat widget on any website effortlessly, no coding skills required.
Free online consultation (chat & call)
Website visitors can initiate a chat or a call with agents in your business at no cost.
Secure resource control
Specify website domain and limit the number of concurrent calls to ensure that the live widget only works on the trusted website and prevent resource abuse.


Make sure Yeastar P-Series PBX System meets the following requirements:

Item Requirement
Firmware Version or later
Plan Enterprise Plan (EP) or Ultimate Plan (UP)
FQDN PBX can be accessed via Yeastar FQDN.
Note: Due to the limitation of the third-party platform, the FQDN domain name must NOT contain underscore character(s), otherwise the messaging channel will encounter authentication failure, or will fail to receive messages.

For more information about the configuration, see Configure Network for Remote Access by a Yeastar FQDN.


Learn about the limitations of Live Chat widget.

Item Description
Message type Supports text messages, emojis, and images.
Note: For Image: The file format should be .png, .jpg, or .jpeg and the maximum file size is 10 MB.
Messaging mechanism Supports to receive and reply to Inbound messages, but agents can NOT initiate a chat or a call with website visitors through the live chat widget.
File retention period Files can be retained for 24 hours.
Chat session

Supports 20 active sessions.

Integration workflow