Manage Custom Domain Name

This topic describes how to update certificates for custom domain name and delete custom domain name.

Update certificates for custom domain name

Yeastar Central Management monitors the validity of the domain certificates. When it comes to 30 days and 15 days before the expiration date, or on the day, a Custom Domain Certificate Expiration alarm is triggered, and the system sends emails to notify the contacts added in Alarm > Notification Contacts.

To ensure the availability of the custom domain name, you need to update the certificates in time.

You have obtained new certificates and private keys.
  • Yeastar P-Series Cloud PBX uses NGINX as web server, so th certificates should be compatible with NGINX server.
  • RSA private key and EC private key are supported to secure the custom domain.
  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, go to Cloud PBX > Custom Domain.
  2. In the Region drop-down list, select the desired region.
  3. In the Domain Certificate section, click in the Operations column to edit the certificate.
  4. In the pop-up window, update the certificate information.

    1. Click Browse to select the new certificate and private key respectively.
    2. Click Confirm.
  5. Click Save.

Delete custom domain name

If you don't need the custom domain any more, you can delete it on Yeastar Central Management.

Make sure that there is no Cloud PBX using this domain name, otherwise the deletion would fail.
  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, go to Cloud PBX > Custom Domain.
  2. In the Region drop-down list, select the region where the custom name is deployed.
  3. At the top-right corner, click Delete, then click OK in the pop-up window.