Manage Cluster Server Domain Names

This topic describes how to update certificates for cluster server domain names and how to delete the deployed domain names.

Update certificate for cluster server domain name

To avoid service disruption to your cloud PBXs, it is essential to renew the domain name certificate for the cluster servers (SBC Server and SBC Proxy Server) to prevent it from expiring.
Note: Yeastar Central Management monitors the validity of the domain name certificates. When it comes to 30 days, 15 days and 7 days before the expiration date, or on the day, a Cluster Domain Name Certificate Expired alarm is triggered, and the system proactively sends emails to notify the contacts added in Alarm > Notification Contacts.
  • Make sure that the Yeastar Central Management version is or later.
  • You have obtained the new domain name certificate, including certificate file and private key.
    • Yeastar P-Series Cloud PBX uses NGINX as web server, so the certificate should be compatible with NGINX server.
    • RSA private key and EC private key are supported.
  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, go to System > Domains > Cluster Domain Name.
  2. Click beside the region where the server is deployed.

    You are redirected to the Edit Cluster Domain Name page.

  3. In the Operations column of the server domain name, click .

  4. In the pop-up window, upload the new certificate and private key, then click Confirm.

    • Certificate File: Click Browse, and select the certificate file in the format of .cer, .crt, or .pem.
      Important: The certificate file must include a COMPLETE Certificate Chain, including the Root CA Certificate, the Intermediate Certificate, and the Server Domain Certificate.
      Note: If you have received the certificate files separately from a Certified Authority (CA), you will need to manually merge the certificates into a bundle file, then paste or upload the complete certificate chain into the Certificate File field. Make sure that you merge the certificates in a specific order from top to bottom: Server Domain Certificate > Intermediate Certificate (if any) > Root CA Certificate. There should be no blank lines between the blocks.

      The figure below shows a merged certificate chain.

    • Certificate Private Key: Click Browse, and select the private key in the format of .key.
      Note: The supported content formats are shown as follows:
      • Start with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and end with -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.
      • Start with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and end with -----END PRIVATE KEY-----.
      • Start with -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- and end with -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----.
  5. Click Save.

Delete cluster server domain names

If you don't need server domain names in a specific region any more, you can delete it right from the Yeastar Central Management web portal.
  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, go to System > Domains > Cluster Domain Name.
  2. To delete both SBC and SBC Proxy Server domain names in a region, do as follows:
    Note: Make sure that there is no Cloud PBX using this domain name before you delete it, otherwise the deletion would fail.

    1. Click beside the desired region.
    2. In the pop-up window, click Confirm.
  3. To delete SBC Proxy Server domain name only, do as follows:
    • If there is only a single SBC Proxy Server deployed in the region, it is not supported to delete the domain name of the SBC Proxy Server separately.
    • Make sure that there is no Cloud PBX using this domain name before you delete it, otherwise the usage of the Cloud PBX would be affected.

    1. Click beside the region where the server is deployed.
    2. In the SBC Proxy Domain Name section, click beside the SBC Proxy Server.
    3. In the pop-up window, click Confirm.
    4. At the bottom of the page, click Save.