Update Scheduled Wake-up Calls
When guests need to update their scheduled wake-up calls, front desk can handle the request on Linkus Desktop/Web Client.
Note: Guests can NOT update their scheduled wake-up calls from their
room phones.
Update scheduled wake-up tasks from Wake-up Service panel
You can update scheduled wake-up calls for one or multiple guests from the dedicated Wake-up Service panel.
- Log in to Linkus Desktop/Web Client, go to .
- Filter the rooms assigned to the desired guest(s).
- Select the checkboxes of the desired tasks, then click
Edit to edit the tasks as needed.
- Click Save.
Update scheduled wake-up tasks from Room panel
You can update scheduled wake-up calls for an individual guest from the Room Panel.
- Log in to Linkus Desktop/Web Client, go to .
- At the top-right corner of a desired room, click
- On the right panel, click
to edit the wake-up task as needed.
- Click Save.