Update Scheduled Wake-up Calls

When guests need to update their scheduled wake-up calls, front desk can handle the request on Linkus Desktop/Web Client.

Note: Guests can NOT update their scheduled wake-up calls from their room phones.

Update scheduled wake-up tasks from Wake-up Service panel

You can update scheduled wake-up calls for one or multiple guests from the dedicated Wake-up Service panel.

  1. Log in to Linkus Desktop/Web Client, go to Hotel Management > Wake-up Service > Wake-Up Task.
  2. Filter the rooms assigned to the desired guest(s).

  3. Select the checkboxes of the desired tasks, then click Edit to edit the tasks as needed.

  4. Click Save.

Update scheduled wake-up tasks from Room panel

You can update scheduled wake-up calls for an individual guest from the Room Panel.

  1. Log in to Linkus Desktop/Web Client, go to Hotel Management > Room Panel.
  2. At the top-right corner of a desired room, click .

  3. On the right panel, click to edit the wake-up task as needed.

  4. Click Save.