Answer or Reject a Call

This topic describes how to answer or reject a call on Linkus Web Client.


Answer a call

When there is an incoming call reaching your extension, you can answer a call as needed.
Answer a call while you are on the Linkus Web Client webpage

If an incoming call reaches your extension while you are on the Linkus Web Client webpage, you can answer the call as follows:

  • Click to answer an audio call.
  • Click to answer a video call.

    Only when an incoming video call is received can you see .

Note: If you has been on a call before answering the new call, the previous call will be automatically held when you answer the new call.
Answer a call while you are NOT currently on the Linkus Web Client webpage

If an incoming call reaches your extension while you are NOT currently on the Linkus Web Client webpage, you will receive a pop-up notification from web browser, answer the call as follows.

  1. Click the push notification.

    You will be redirected to Linkus Web Client.

  2. Answer the call.

    • Click to answer an audio call.
    • Click to answer a video call.

      Only when an incoming video call is received can you see .

    Note: If you has been on a call before answering the new call, the previous call will be automatically held when you answer the new call.

Reject a call

When there is an incoming call reaching your extension, you can reject a call as needed.

  1. If you are on the Linkus Web Client webpage, you can click to reject a call.

  2. If you are NOT currently on the Linkus Web Client webpage, you can reject a call as follows:
    1. Click the push notification.

      You will be redirected to Linkus Web Client.

    2. Click to reject a call.

The caller will be routed to the destination of No Answer.