Contacts Parameters

Descriptions for parameters in exported and imported Company Contacts CSV file and Personal Contacts CSV file.

Parameter Importance Restriction
First Name At lease one is required The maximum character length is 127 (63 for first name and 63 for last name).
Last Name
Company Name Optional The maximum character length is 127.
Email Optional

Only numbers, letters, and characters @ _ - . ' are allowed. Must start with a number, letter, or character _ and follow the email address format XXX@XXX.XX.

The maximum character length is 255.

Business Number At lease one is required Numbers, letters, and characters ( ) . - + * # are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

Business Number 2 Numbers, letters, and characters ( ) . - + * # are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

Business Fax Numbers, letters, and characters ( ) . - + * # are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

Mobile Numbers, letters, and characters ( ) . - + * # are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

Mobile 2 Numbers, letters, and characters ( ) . - + * # are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

Home Numbers, letters, and characters ( ) . - + * # are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

Home 2 Numbers, letters, and characters ( ) . - + * # are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

Home Fax Numbers, letters, and characters ( ) . - + * # are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

Other Numbers, letters, and characters ( ) . - + * # are allowed.

The maximum character length is 31.

ZIP Code Optional The maximum character length is 255.
Street Optional The maximum character length is 255.
City Optional The maximum character length is 255.
State Optional The maximum character length is 255.
Country Optional The maximum character length is 255.
Remark Optional The maximum character length is 1024.
Phonebook Optional Permitted value: One or more phonebook names existed in PBX.
For multiple phonebooks, enter the names and use & as a separator, e.g. phonebook_name1&phonebook_name2.
  • The feature is available for Enterprise/Ultimate Plan.
  • Phonebook will be filled with default value Default_All_Contacts if you leave these fields empty.
  • System will create new phonebook(s) if you fill in a name that doesn't exist.